[WATCH] New Species Discoveries With Dr. Mark Erdmann and Ocean Geographic

Have you ever wanted to invite a scientist into your living room and hear about all their exciting discoveries? Ocean Geographic has been hosting live video sessions with experts around the globe and last week we tuned in to hear…

Is This the Dinoflagellate Treatment We’ve all been Hoping for?

Being a reef aquarists, means dealing with nuisance algae, parasites, and other pests… Cyanobacteria, AEFW, Red Bugs, and who here remembers that pink cotton candy algae (Callithamnion)? But dinoflagellates are usually just a pit stop in the succession of algae…

Interzoo “2020” rescheduled to June 1-4, 2021

Interzoo has been postponed to next year and will thus be held in Nuremberg from 1 to 4 June 2021. Zoomark International will be moving to 2022 to accommodate the change. Interzoo, the world’s largest pet show by volume is…

Automated Coral Husbandry with CHARM

CHARM Last week when we saw the frag cleaning robot called ‘CHARM’ the intriguing video had me asking questions. Isn’t it easier to clean frags by hand? How is this robot supposed to recognize all sorts of frags? Is this…

Bali Aquarium Pushes Mariculture to the Next Level

20 years ago, Bali Aquarium was the first company to start commercial mariculture in Indonesia and 3 years ago, it created its own reef restoration and reef education program, called Ocean Gardener (www.oceangardener.org). Since then, they have put the tremendous…

This Coral Restoration Method Helps Slow Down Slope Erosion

TRACC – Pom Pom Island Malaysia Back at the end of 2019, yes back when we could fly around the world to tiny islands in a matter of days, we had the pleasure of visiting Pom Pom island in Borneo…

Don’t Freak Out About Minimal Tissue Loss on SPS Corals

SPS corals like Montipora, Acropora and many others are some of the most diverse, colorful and interesting stony corals we can keep and grow in aquariums. Along with their fast growth and incomparable colors comes some risk because their fast…

FLUO GAMES – The Night of the Tentacles [VIDEO]

FLUO GAMES -The Night Of Tentalces Aquarists are no strangers to happy puffy polyps making the perfect timelapse subjects, yet, HD videos of this quality rarely come from natural reefs. The added challenge of currents and stability for timelapse subjects,…

The Shape of Corals is Linked to How they Feed

It’s been over 20 years since I started culturing corals in the ocean and in dedicated aquariums. I always believed that the shape of a corals was mainly determined by trying to expose as much surface to light while withstanding…

Marine Aquarium Projects for Home-Bound Hobbyists

Here in Ohio, we just received the official order to stay at home in an effort to limit the spread of COVID-19, and similar orders are being given all over the US and around the world. That means a whole…