Hitler gets Acropora Eating Flatworms Video

Taking over the reefing world is not as easy as it seems. This video explains why.

Coral Nurseries of Elkhorn and Staghorn Acropora need our support, adopt a coral today

Elkhorn and Staghorn coral nurseries in the Florida Keys are beginning to bear the fruits of their labor. Now that the coral farm founded by Ken Nedimeyer has been in operation for several years, it’s thousands of coral pieces ranging…

Time lapse of 198 days of growth by Caribbean staghorn coral, Acropora cervicornis

Who said corals grow slowly? Obviously this Caribbean staghorn coral, Acropora cervicornis didn’t get the memo! Growing at breakneck speed in an aquarium by Atlantic Reef Aquaculture, this precious Atlantic staghorn coral is chronicled through an amazing time lapse video…

“True” Australian Acropora echinata being imported in reasonable numbers, fair prices

Australian Acropora echinata has to be one of the most iconic Acro and SPS corals of all time. Every die hard small polyp stony coral junky at one time or another has caught the site of one of these corals…

New ORA Release: Blue Iris Acropora

ORA has released another new coral named Blue Iris. The interesting thing about this new coal is that ORA didn’t take the Blue Iris under 20k’s so the blue tips aren’t as vivid as they normally would be. In fact,…

LiveAquaria’s Acropora and SPS coral display tank

The deluge of Australian LPS corals which have flooded the US aquarium market may have all but overwhelmed the SPS subculture of the reefing community but now that many of us have had our fill of lords, hillaes, moseleyas and…

New Frogskin Acropora from ORA

ORA has released a new Acropora sp., named Frogskin Acropora. “The ORA Frogskin Acro has yellowish green coloration and extremely bumpy texture. The corallites are rotund and tubular and some of the polyps have a slightly blue hue. The color…

Acropora rongelapensis, a recently described species from Marshall Islands

While skimming some literature we came across the coral name Acropora rongelapensis, which we had never heard before. A few minutes of sleuthing and the original description provided us with all the details of this new Acropora species described in…

Opinion: Should Acropora spp. Be Included on the Endangered Species List?

On Jan. 15, 1999, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) requested comment on the possible listing of elkhorn and staghorn corals as candidates for protection under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). NMFS was considering listing the corals because their populations…

An Interview with NPS Coral Pioneer Boris Bielan

You think keeping NPS corals is difficult now? Try doing it 11 years ago! Florian Gaudig speaks to NPS coral-keeping pioneer Boris Bielan. While researching for my last article, I came across a ReefBuilders feature I had read years ago…