Pagoda Cup Coral: The Duncan Coral That Never Was

The Duncan coral has always been a staple in the reef aquarium hobby. Despite not having really vibrant colors or any funky name, the Duncan coral still manages to find its way into almost every LFS, as well as the…

DOC is The Most Important Parameter For A Healthy Reef Tank: Here’s a New Method to Manage It

In this article, I will provide an overview of my take on the current zeitgeist of reefing and explain why the entire industry is ignoring a critical aspect of coral care. I will explain what issues this parameter causes, how…

Eight Coral Treasures from The Hong Kong Aquarium Trade

Aquacultured corals are becoming more and more popular as we progress in the reefing hobby, but many of the wild or maricultured pieces seem to be appearing less frequently. Those huge tables and clusters of coral which were imported from…

Mature Filter Media is Still the Quickest Way to Avoid the Ugly Phase

Cycling, and dealing with Diatoms, Dinoflagellates, and Cyanobacteria are the biggest setbacks for the new reefkeeper but they can be avoided. Bottled bacteria have their place and live rock and live sand their pros and cons, but the quickest, easiest,…

Reef Nook’s Wild Grafted tenuis is an Acroholic’s dream 

A coral farm in the South of Spain has a wild, grafted Acropora tenuis, which we have never seen before.   “Attached is a pic of an Acropora tenuis that came grafted from the wild,” Reef Nook’s Biel told Reef Builders.…

Do Macroalgae Refugiums Have Unseen Consequences?

Many people have turned to growing macroalgae as a means to export nutrients for years. This has proven to be a solid method of managing nitrates and phosphates that when dialed in appear to have no negative impact on a…

Ostorhinchus Cardinalfishes are suitable for reef tanks of all sizes

When we speak about cardinalfishes within the reef aquarium hobby, most people relate to the classic Pajama Cardinalfish, Sphaeramia nematoptera, or the Bangaii Cardinalfish, Pterapogon kauderni, which have been popular fish for reef tanks of all sizes for decades now.…

Reef Diving FAQs

Do you own a reef tank and want to take the next leap in learning? Are you traveling to a coral reef destination on vacation? Windsor Adams answers our frequently asked questions on Learning To Dive. Do you need to…

AquaRay P5 and P9 are the latest LED Light fixtures from TMC

Tropical Marine Centre has released a new LED aquarium light called AquaRay. Long-term European reefers will already be very familiar with the AquaRay brand name, as TMC was one of the pioneers of LED aquarium lighting some 15 years ago…

Yellow Gobies are the Best Fish for Nano Reef Tanks  

I want to take a moment to highlight one of the unsung fishy heroes of the nano reefing world, the humble Yellow Goby. Also known as the Yellow Clown Goby or Okinawa Goby, Gobiodon okinawae is a small, bright yellow…