How to deal with Coral Aggression

After discussing coral selection, quarantining, placement, and nutrition there is still one other aspect of their keeping that needs to be considered, coral aggression. Since corals are sedentary and cannot move once they have settled into place or been mounted…

Cracking the Distichopora Code – A Closer Look at Stylasterid Hydrocorals

If you ever came across a colony of Distichopora at your local reef shop, you know that is it super difficult not to be enamored by the sheer beauty of these stunning hydrocorals. Despite their elegance, they are almost completely…

The Importance of Coral Nutrition

As we have noted in previous articles most aspects of the hobby have some controversy associated with them. Needless to say, coral nutrition is one of them. For many years the general consensus was that all corals needed to thrive…

How to Properly Place Corals in a New Reef Tank

The difference between a successful reef tank and one that fails is often a matter of the little details. One of these little details that cannot be overlooked is proper coral placement. With a new tank, you basically have a…

How and Why to Dip Newly Acquired Corals

After getting corals via the internet or from a local shop they need to be treated for parasites, infections, and other maladies that we do not want to introduce into a tank. I know that shops and online stores will…

Watch Reef Therapy Episode #89 with Raj, Remy, and Richard Ross: Coral Spawning

Raj and Remy were joined this time by a fatigued Richard Ross, who’s tired for a very good reason – his corals have been spawning! So the episode goes from glass blowing, and Raj’s endeavors to get a bespoke “chandelier”…

Which Corals to Add to a New Tank

There are many fun aspects to setting up a new tank, from planning and getting the equipment and then on to aquascaping the tank. But to me, the most fun aspect is selecting and adding the corals. This is when the…

Seven Ways to Reuse Dead Hard Coral Skeletons

Don’t throw away those dead coral skeletons as we have seven useful ways for your aquarium corals to live on: 1. Use as home decor In the 1970s and 80s coral skeletons made popular home decor items, especially in bathrooms.…

Jake Adams, Celebration of Life Dive Trip

This year, we commemorated the first anniversary of our great friend’s passing. The coral feast that I had planned to show him and that was left unfinished, ended up into another great adventure celebrating Jake’s coral love with other great…

Is the Hobby Getting Too Expensive? Part II Livestock

As was discussed in Part 1 the cost of getting into the hobby, equipment-wise was surprisingly not as expensive as I had thought. This was the case even when some of the best equipment was being used. Even when inflation…