Will you stop hiding from me! Lonesome Liopropoma

Today’s post is c0-contributed by Mr. Tay, a friend of ReefBuilders and one of my best fish buddies in Singapore. Mr. Tay is known online by his alias “Digiman”, and has an extensive collection of deepwater and unusual fish, many…

Liopropoma randalli just described from from Kochi India and Lombok Indonesia

Liopropoma randalli is a new species of deepwater Liopropoma basslet that is the latest known from the Indian Ocean. Unlike many species which are first described from one collection area, Liopropoma randalli is already known from Kochi India to Lombok Indonesia giving it a…

The Wrasse Bass is a Painted Basslet from the Western Atlantic

Liopropoma eukrines, otherwise known as the Wrasse Bass is a beautiful Liopropoma that comes from the depths of the Caribbean. Its sheer color makes it stand out to divers and aquarists. This fish is not to be confused with the…

The Rainbow & Wrasse Bass, the Gemini Twins [Video]

You guys know how much we love our rare, bizarre and exotic aquarium fish but very few groups do it for us in the way that the Liopropoma basslets do. Normally coming from deepwater of both the Caribbean and the Pacific…

Audible for Fish? 10 rare or beautiful fish that would have made this gag better

In case you missed it, yesterday was April Fool’s Day and there were many corporations and tech companies sharing some serious groaners with a few funny ones in the mix. The one that caught our attention was Audible’s attempt at…

Recent trip to Japan: Part2 – Visiting Ceppo in Aichi prefecture

The second opportunity to visit an aquarium shop in Japan was Ceppo in Aichi prefecture.  Aichi prefecture is just middle of between Tokyo and Osaka, so it takes 100 minutes from Tokyo station by Shinkansen (Bullet train).  Unfortunately many of…

Opulent Osaka Part 4: A BlueHarbor tribute, and the man behind the brand

We’ve come to our last and final installation of our four part Osaka travelogue. If you’ve been following parts 1, 2 and 3, we hope you’ve enjoyed it, and thank you for exploring some of Osaka’s most opulent reef keepers…

2014 recap: Top 10 scintillating reef fish stories

2014 is fizzing away by the day and as usual, we’ve recapped our ten favourite reef fish stories for the year. Normally we’d put out our top ten highlights just as the year closes to make sure no surprises pops…

Flashback Friday: Jake’s love for Plectranthias 

When Jake passed away, a lot of tributes said he was a coral man, but if you knew him he would have just as many conversations with people about marine fish. He loved them all, especially the rare ones, and…

Three of Our Favorite Fish and Why We Got Them from TSM Aquatics

As we kick off the new year and take stock of how the Reef Builders Studio is coming along, we are very pleased with how the coral population has grown but we are certainly light in the fish department. There’s…