FUSION Nano 10g & 20g Premium Starter Kit from Innovative Marine

Innovative Marine will soon start shipping two new sizes of their Fusion aquarium series, the 10 & 20 gallon Fusion Nano all in one aquariums with more fit and finish than has ever been offered in an aquarium of this…

Endangered versus Threatened: Why should you be concerned?

While yesterdays event scared just about everyone in the greater aquatics industry we might come to expect that more often as different petitions make there way around federal bodies that deal with the ESA. A lot of folks think we…

Get ready for lots of exciting stories from the Fluval Sea Flores Expedition

We’re back from the Flores Sea with loads of exciting observations and documentation on the reefs of this part of Indonesia. With support from Fluval Sea and no less than nine months of planning, we succeeded in diving and surveying and…

Turbinaria heronensis – an incredible story of coral comeback

I’ve been personally fascinated with Turbinaria heronensis ever since the first time I saw one in a book, but never could I have believed that I would ever get my hands on a whole colony of this fantastic species. Looking more…

Hands on & review of the Nano Box Reef Mini Tide LED light

The name Nano Box Reef has been around for a while, and is certainly making quite the splash in the aquarium world of late. With everything being hand built and customized in every degree, there is certainly a lot of…

Reefapalooza Orlando is already off the hook

Reefapalooza Orlando has been open for just about two hours as of this writing and already the show floor is buzzing with a fever pitch of reefing energy. You didn’t need a crystal ball to know that Worldwide Corals and…

Kwajalein has more than its fair share of Red Acropora

Red Acros are one of the rarest color forms you can find in captively grown Acropora species, which is why species such as the ORA Red Planet, the Red Dragon acro, and the raspberry red Millepora acros are so popular in…

Why You Should Never, Ever Release Marine Aquarium Livestock into the Wild

In a perfect world, every fish, invertebrate, or alga introduced to a marine aquarium would be allowed to live out its entire lifespan there. But as we all know, there are many contingencies that can make it necessary for hobbyists…

Hong Kong through Digiman’s eyes part 1: Legendary reefers Dr. Chung and Jimma Ma

Here’s another exciting Reef Builders travelogue showcasing the sights and adventures of the reefing scene in a foreign country. Like our Japan and Bangkok travelogues, we visit yet again another Asian country – the mystical land of Hong Kong. This…

Tales from Thailand: Chingchai’s incredible DSPS tank

Having just returned from an amazing trip in Bangkok, it would almost be considered criminal if we weren’t going to spill and share on the reefing goodies this amazing city has to offer. Like our previous recount of BlueHarbor in…