Photoblepharon palpebratus is a unique glowing oddball for your deepwater biotope

The flashlight fishes are a very unique group of light emitting fish that are not often seen in the trade. These fishes are well known for the photophores (light emitting organ) found below the eye, which harbours bioluminescent bacteria, allowing…

Acclimating Saltwater Fish in 10 Easy Steps

Contrary to popular misconception, introducing a new fish to a saltwater aquarium is not a simple matter of floating the shipping bag in the tank for 15 or 20 minutes and then releasing the fish into its new home. Sure,…

Deltec posts official specs on its MCE400 hang on protein skimmer

The new Deltec MCE400 protein skimmer we spotted at AquaRama 2013 has been officially announced with specs and pricing. The black, rectangular skimmer is a smaller version of the Deltec MCE600 and suitable for aquariums up to 400 liters (105…

Aquarium Systems A la Carte marine aquarium foods

A La Carte sia  new suite of whole foods from Aquarium Systems that aim to meet the nutritional needs of both fish and corals. Aquarium Systems’ new A La Carte foods consist of three different types of dried seaweeds, two…

Friday Smorgasbord: James Bond, shark egg surgery, sharks and more

For those of us in the US, we’re sluggishly returning back to normal after a day of fireworks, BBQ and parades but we still have a Friday Smorgasbord to share some of these interesting nuggets. To lead things off we…

A Guide to Routine Marine Aquarium Maintenance

There’s no question that a saltwater aquarium requires a significant amount of maintenance if the fish and invertebrates it contains are to remain healthy and their life-support system is to continue functioning efficiently for the long term. But that doesn’t…

Toledo Zoo Aquarium Renovation – Update 4: Shark, Ray, Turtle Exhibit

The Toledo Zoo’s Aquarium closed October 1, 2012 for a $25.5 million renovation. The new Aquarium is scheduled to open in 2015. One common question visitors ask is, “What exhibits and animals will the new Aquarium have?” To help answer…

David Saxby’s jaw dropping private aquarium gets a much needed 2013 update

David Saxby has arguably, one of the most crazily decked out impressive home aquarium anywhere in the world, been going a long time too. The huge 1,200 gallon tank is a chunk of reef stashed away in his own home. While…

Italian Skimmer LGs 850 gets an Italian style in depth review

The skimmer LGMAquari Lgs 850 is one of the latest offers of LGMAquari in the field of mono-pump skimmers. This skimmer is suitable for saltwater aquariums containing up to 900 liters. Construction The Lgs 850 is built with high quality materials;…

Rare fish alert: The original hybrid Paracentropyge, and BlueHarbor unleashes teaser clips

It has been just less than a month ago when we broadcasted about the newest Paracentropyge hybrid to hit the scenes. Well we hope that’s still fresh in your minds, as BlueHarbor has just uploaded a video of the “original”…