Sicce Shark ADV Filter uses magnetic coupling to make maintenance a breeze

It’s hard for internal aquarium filters to stand out but Sicce’s Shark ADV does just that with what else? Magnets. We’re all familiar with umpteen different ways to take an internal aquarium filter apart, usually of the locking, screw or…

Belonoperca pylei in US, right under our noses

Shortly after posting the Belonoperca pylei on video in Japan, we were able to chat with our friend Rich Ross who is also a marine biologist at the California Academy of Sciences. It seems that he is the proud owner of…

Vertex magnet cleaner Hexaplex brings style to large magnet scrubbers

Much like Vertex Aquaristik‘s other magnet accessories the Vertex Hexaplex magnet cleaner brings some serious class to something that you might not have previously thought of as visually appealing.  In essence the Vertex Hexaplex is the big brother of the cleaner magnet…

Flame Angelfish: Heavenly Beauty With a Touch of Devilishness

The aptly named flame angelfish (Centropyge loriculus) is an eye-popping Pacific beauty that stops people in their tracks when they catch sight of it in a home aquarium or LFS sales tank. This stunning dwarf angel has much to recommend…

Paracentropyge multifasciatus x P. venustus hybrid is just dead drop gorgeous

This Paracentropyge multifasciatus x Paracentropyge venustus hybrid is one of those rare fish that should get even people not into rare fish crave extremely excited. It is really just a stunning beauty of nature. The pictures alone of which might…

Most Popular Last week

 June 4th-June 10th

DC pumps: Everything you wanted to know (but were afraid to ask)

There are many different DC water pumps on the market — Waveline, Speedline, Diablo, Jebao, Boyu, and of course Royal Exclusiv are just the few of the ones on the market today. With so many companies producing pumps, some companies…

6 Steps to Help Prevent Aquarium Leaks

A thriving saltwater system is a thing of beauty and a joy to behold—as long as the salt water stays in the tank where it belongs, that is! While most of the aquariums manufactured today represent a high level of…

Orphek Atlantik gets hands on treatment and review [VIDEO]

Our initial thoughts of the the Orphek Nilus multicolor LED fixture were favorable as both the spectrum and the spread of light were impressive. As if the company took Mark vanderWal’s post complaining of the lack of spread of modern led…

Eshopps selling rare Pepperment Angelfish

Eshopps is now selling the replica of the rare Peppermint Angelfish we saw at MACNA last year. The aquarium ornaments caught our eye and actually deceived us for a second or two until we got a closer look. The faux…