NanoBox Reef introducing a new hybrid LED fixture at ReefStock 2015

We’re just at a little over a week from the setup of ReefStock 2015 and we are thrilled to be teased with yet another super exciting new product for the show. These teaser shots seem to show the topside of…

Toledo Zoo Aquarium Renovation—Update 14: Fish Start to Arrive, Grand Reopening Set for March 27

Salties who have been following our updates on the Toledo Zoo Aquarium renovation these last few years will be excited to hear that the ambitious, $25.5 million project will soon be coming to fruition. Read on for the very latest…

The Marine Aquarist’s Greatest Asset

If someone were to ask you (perhaps with a gun held to your head, as is so often the case in these hypothetical scenarios) to identify the one thing that no aspiring marine aquarist should be without, what would your…

Sweet Coral Hind! A Colorful, Aquarium-Sized Grouper

The name “grouper” conjures up images of underwater behemoths that no home aquarium can conceivably accommodate, such as the legendary goliath grouper (Epinephelus itajara). Fortunately, marine aquarium hobbyists who have a yen for these hefty predators can find several attractive,…

AcroOptics set to reveal a totally new kind of LED fixture

AcroOptics is a spankin’ new LED light company based in nearby Boulder, Colorado which is undertaking a radically different approach to making the ultimate LED aquarium fixture.  When we spotted one of their prototypes at Aqua Imports, an LFS in…

What to Consider when Converting a Fish-only Tank to a Reef System

“Caribbean Chris” and I are very frequently asked what it takes to convert a fish-only marine aquarium to a reef system containing corals and other sessile invertebrates. Can you just go ahead and add the invertebrates? Can you modify the…

A reef tank is not a piece of a natural reef

I have to chuckle when I hear someone say that their reef tank looks just like a reef in the ocean, or that their tank is like a small piece of the reef. It may sound like sacrilege to fellow reefers, but despite…

Tank Profile: Marco Pardun’s 104-gallon Room Divider Triton Reef

When I first came across this aquarium, it caught my eyes for a variety of reasons. First and foremost was the variety of color in its inhabitants. Next is the fact that it is a room divider (something I’ve always…

Reef Nuggets 5: Pseudanthias and notes regarding feeding and husbandry

In Reef Nuggets 4 we recounted Macropharyngodon and our personal experience with maintaining a harem using M. vivienae as an example. Today’s installation will aim at covering a topic that’s widely discussed, and on a subject that is ubiquitous and iconic in…

Reef Builders x Cairns Marine: A visit to the facility

If you’ve been following our recent posts and our Facebook updates judiciously, you’d know that we had the greatest pleasure of visiting Cairns Marine and their wonderful team just a few weeks back. Apart from touring the facility and seeing how…