Our Best Look at the Captive Bred Purple Tangs

The purple tang, Zebrasoma xanthurum, is a celebrated marine aquarium fish and one of the most iconic endemic species in the Red Sea. Just a few short years after Rising Tide’s first breakthroughs with the related yellow tang, Bali Aquarich announced their…

‘Black’ Regal Angelfish is one of the Wildest Specimens Ever

The iconic appearance of the regal angelfish is so recognizable across its wide range that it is one of the visual ambassadors for coral reefs. Since its appearance is so conservative and it has no closely related species with which…

Top 5 Saltwater Fish We Wish Were Domesticated

Once upon a time, successful captive breeding of marine fish was pretty much limited to clownfish and new successes were heralded as huge triumphs. Nowadays there’s announcements of new species culturing breakthroughs fairly regularly and these are usually fish that…

Captive Bred Clarion Angelfish Coming to LiveAquaria Tomorrow

The Clarion Angelfish is one of the most illustrious saltwater aquarium fish which is both striking in its appearance, and an absolute bulletproof species in aquariums. Clarion Angel (Holacanthus clarionensis) naturally occurs in the Eastern Central Pacific off the southern…

New Captive Bred Cortez Angelfish Show Extra Striping

Pomacanthus zonipectus is a large species of marine angelfish which has a unique and beautiful juvenile pattern. A handful of these recently turned up as larvae in the culture vats of Bali Aquarich representing the first captive bred cortez angelfish…

Blue Clownfish Continue To Appear in Aquarium Clownfish Strains

The holy grail of clownfish breeding used to be an all white morph but since this has been achieved in three species already, breeders have had to set their sights higher, and for an even more exotic color. A true…

Blue Skeleton Majestic Angelfish Is Unlike Anything We’ve Ever Seen!

Every now and then a very special reef fish that we’ll never forget pops up on our rare fish radar, and the ‘Blue Skeleton’ Majestic Angelfish is such an example. This sensational specimen of Pomacanthus navarchus made its way to East…

Looking Forward To The Future Of The Aquarium Hobby

Things I’m Looking Forward To While going through some old books and magazines I came across a poster for MACNA from over twenty years ago, it made me laugh as the topic of my talk was “The Future of the…

This Hybrid of Emperor and Annularis Angelfish is Downright Jawdropping

It’s been a very rich year for cool new, aberrant and hybrid angelfish and this offspring cross between an emperor angelfish and annularis angelfish is a very special fish indeed. Hybridization among angelfish can be common in some places, especially…

New Mozart and Beethoven Clownfish from Aquadancing

AquaDancing is a marine fish breeder based out of Taiwan which has introduced a couple of new strains of the beloved ocellaris clownfish. The Mozart and Beethoven is AquaDancing’s name for some strains that have been line-bred down parallel paths with many…