As betta popularity grows, how will it impact the saltwater hobby?

Walking into a large pet store, you might find that lowly endcap of freshwater betta fish has now expanded with entire aisle of shelves dedicated to the Siamese fighting fish. The rising popularity of keeping this fish is fueling the…

500 gallon Mountain View reef tank is home to an exquisite wall of corals

Nestled in the foothills of Genesee Colorado, there is a most excellent 500 gallon reef tank with an exquisite wall of corals and an impressive view of the Colorado Rockies. This Mountain View reef tank is maintained by Premier Fish & Reef…

A perfect pico reef tank at Elite Reef

With a small reef tank, pico reefs being the lower limit, the aquarist has to pay very careful attention to what animals are introduced, how quickly temperature and salinity can change, and especially, to monitor water chemistry which can rapidly change.…

New Patent US8646934 aquarium light strip revealed

We get several goods delivered to our respective Reef Builders’ offices located around the world. One such package caught our eye more than others. In the package from Ecoxotic was a new patent that recently got approved as officially official.…

Why would Ecotech Marine and AquaIllumination join forces?

The news that Ecotech Marine and AquaIllumination had completed a formal merger came as quite a shock to the marine aquarium world. The reasons for AI and EM joining forces might come across as a monopolistic move to the shortsighted,…

LED Showdown Round 2: Who survived and who is moving on

The first round of the 2013 Reef Builders LED showdown is in the books. After the dust settled there were some pretty clear winners and a few closer battles but the bottom line is, some of the tougher battles are…

It’s Back! Let the 2013 LED Showdown Begin

It’s back! It’s January and that means it’s time for our annual jaunt down LED memory lane with the 2013 Reef Builders LED Showdown — so let the haters hate and the photon geeks rejoice. We’ve have a lot of…

On location for the first ever unboxing of the Nuvo Shallow Reef aquarium

Just under two weeks ago we swung by the offices of Innovative Marine and happened to stop by just in time to check out their first shipments of production made Nuvo Shallow Reef aquariums. Now we specify “production-made” because the…

Want to dive the Coral Restoration Foundation at MACNA? #dive4crf gives you the chance

The work the Coral Restoration Foundation is important to the survival of some vital reefs in the continental United State and having the opportunity to dive with the CRF is a chance in a lifetime. Now thanks to Piscene Energetics,…

The NR12 led spotlight is Orphek’s latest PAR 38 fixture.

The NR12 nano reef LED fixtures are the latest PAR 38 fixtures coming from Orphek. The NR12 fixtures look almost identical to the Ecoxotic par38 lights we spotted two months ago, and it would be safe to assume that both…