What Do We Need To Start A Reef Tank, Versus What We May Want?

I have a wonderful 21-year old daughter, who I have spoiled over the years. During that time, I have also spent a lot of time trying to teach her the difference between wanting something and needing something. Unfortunately, learning the…

Unannounced Bubble King ‘Micro Skimmer’ Spotted At Royal Exclusiv Factory

Thanks to the eagle eyed observers at Emoceans we’ve gotten ahold of the first picture of a yet unannounced new protein skimmer series from Royal Exclusiv. These small protein skimmers are about as small as we’d ever expect to see…

New Eshopps S-Series protein skimmer looks sharp

Seeing the new Eshopps S-Series protein skimmer in person is a treat after reading about the new Eshopps S-Series design changes implemented earlier this year, where they improved a few areas of an already decent design. Chatting with the Eshopps team…

Things About The Aquarium Hobby That Make Me Happy

Recently I had a major life event occur that made me reflect on many of the aspects of my life. One of the things that I spent some time thinking about were the things in my life that have made…

Red Dragon 3 ECO 25 Watt Is Royal Exclusiv’s Smallest Pump

The Red Dragon 3 ECO 25 Watt is a brand new controllable pump from Royal Exclusiv with the smallest footprint we’ve ever seen from the company. Clocking in at a meager 25 watts, this is also the lowest power pump…

Five New Products Shaping The Future Of Reef Tanks Part 4: Smart Controllable Pumps

If there’s one thing that is inherently different about water pumps we’re using today compared to ten years ago, it’s the explosion of direct current and controllable water pumps. Propeller pumps from Tunze and Ecotech Marine have always been of…

Five New Products Shaping The Future Of Reef Tanks Part 2 : Filter Rolls

The reef aquarium hobby sure is moving very fast in a lot of new and interesting directions. Yesterday we discussed the advancement of automatic aquarium water testing, something which we could have wish-listed five, ten or even twenty years ago. …

Custom Bashsea Twister Skimmer is one souped up foam fractitioner

There is something about the way Bashsea approaches equipment and its not subtlety. Case in point, this customer Bashsea Twister Skimmer designed for Mystic Aquarium in Connecticut, that just looks like one powerful foam-fractitioning beast.  The photos make it look…

OctoPump By Reef Octopus Has An Exciting New Design

Reef Octopus has really broken out as one of the premier brands for acrylic products in recent years, particularly for protein skimmers and media reactors. But the new ‘OctoPump’ from Reef Octopus shows that the company has some engineering chops…

Best Advice I’ve received in the hobby

While cleaning out my office, again, I came across some old written notes, yeah they had to be old as they were hand-written, that were a listing of some of the advice I had received over the years that I…