Calico Scopas Tang Among Recent Imports of Koi & Tricolor Tangs

If you’re on the lookout for a rare and unique surgeonfish for your saltwater or reef aquarium, there’s no better place to look right now than TSM Corals. Don & his crew have been acquiring these unusual fish from the…

Tame the Tangle of Cables with marine Depot’s Controller Board

Reef tanks can be a very beautiful piece of living furniture in many settings but nothing can detract from the aesthetic more than a tangled mess of wires. unfortunately, it usually takes a lot of gadgets and gizmos to have…

Awesome Fish Spotlight! Super Xanthic, Yellow Scopas Tang Shows Up In Indonesia

Following the hype on the multicolored aberrant or Koi scopas tangs that showed up in the last few years, our friends at Bali Aquarium scored a very nice Super-Xanthic Yellow Scopas Tang this week. Unlike the aberrant Scopas tang that…

Ultimate Aberrant Yellow Tang Teased By LiveAquaria

Do you know how cool a particular fish has to be for LiveAquaria’s own Director Kevin Kohen to get in front of the camera to tell us all about it? It’s got to be something at least as cool as a wildly…

Lined Gem Tang Is Truly One Of A Kind!

We’ve written so many cool stories about tangs and surgeonfish over the years – there must be a hundred articles on rare species, koi tangs, aberrations and hybrids. It’s definitely getting to the point where there’s not much we haven’t…

Koi Scopas Tang Photographed in Thailand!

The Koi Scopas tang is a special variant of Zebrasoma scopas which appears sporadically in the aquarium hobby. The first specimens were discovered in the Maldives, and often made their way to European aquarists.  In recent years a concentration of these…

Captive Bred Yellow Tang Review

Imagine a world where every fish is captive bred, where tank life is all they have ever known, where fish are robust and healthy because they have never experienced the stress of being caught out of the ocean and transported…

Two Crazy Piebald Scopas Tang Join The World Wide Corals Family

Aberrant, tricolor and piebald scopas tangs are among the most highly coveted exotic reef fish. World Wide Corals definitely help the movement along with their world-famous white tang Casper, and now they’ve added a couple more gems to their Zebrasoma family. …

The Pacific Sailfin Tang: A Hardy, Bold Species Demanding Spacious Accommodations

The Pacific sailfin tang (Zebrasoma velifer), not to be confused with its Red Sea namesake (Zebrasoma desjardinii), is a fish with many attributes that make it desirable to marine aquarium hobbyists—it’s attractive, hardy, bold, easy to feed, etc. But don’t…

First good pictures of the newest wicked colored koi scopas tang

The wicked koi scopas tang is alive and well in the United States and we’ve got the first pictures of this fish from an actual camera. The nearly one-of-a-kind Zebrasoma scopas was conditioned in Jakarta after its collection in Java and…