Those who knew Jake Adams knew his passion spanned all Scleractinians, but there is one lesser known, lesser kept genus that he was particularly passionate about and even got to collect them in the wild – Anacropora. So we thought…
World’s First Grafted Anacropora Pops up for Reef Raft
We’ve seen the ‘grafting’ phenomenon of different fluorescent proteins infecting a wide range of SPS corals including Acropora, Montipora, Stylocoeniella and even Turbinaria but the new grafted Anacropora from Reef Raft are the first of their kind. It’s only quite recently that the reef aquarium…
Thin Branching Red Montipora & Anacropora Comparison
Thin branching Montipora are among some of the fastest growing small polyp stony corals in the world and many varieties and species have become quite prolific in the reef aquarium world. Recent years have seen a greater interest in the…
Goldenrod Anacropora keeps this Genus in the Spotlight
Anacropora has always been one of our favorite lesser-known groups of stony corals and Reef Raft Canada is again giving us another reason to love this sister genus to Montis and Acros. The Goldenrod Anacropora is a spanking new strain of…
Anacropora Can Get Flatworms Too!
Anacropora is one of the lesser known small polyp stony coral species which are closely related to Acros and Montis. Montipora is known to be infested by pesky white nudibranch, Acropora has its issues with Amakusaplana (Acro Eating Flatworms) and…
Green Polyp Anacropora Is The Ultimate Cryptic Coral Strain
Anacropora has become a little more available to reefers in the last several years, but this genus still hasn’t yet received the adoration it deserves. Coming mostly in muted shades of white, brown, olive green and sometimes a rusty orange, we’ve…
Unseen Coral: Anacropora reticulata Is One Of The Most Interesting An-Acros
Delicate Anacropora forbesi can actually grow into fields
Anacropora is a delicate, thin branching stony coral which is greatly underrepresented in the aquarium hobby. However in the wild, the fast-growing thin branches of Anacropora species can all but take over certain habitats. Closely related to Acropora and Montipora, Anacropora is the physical embodiment…
Anacropora puertogalerae shows up at Happy Coral
Its been a great year so far for ‘deepwater acro’ lovers, AquaSD scored a super sweet and rare Acropora derawanensis just last August and we spotted an Acropora elegans in Route 66 Marine’s tank last month at MACNA. This time…