If the appearance of the H&H Kraken 4-channel doser was meant to grab our attention with its swank outline and carbon fiber finish well it worked. We caught sight of this little wonder-box from quite a distance away, aided by…
AquasunLED is ZooMed’s first foray into solid state lighting
The AquaSun LED light in regular and HO flavors by ZooMed is a light fixture which we first got wind of several months ago but had to come all the way to Singapore to confirm. Here at Aquarama ZooMed showed…
Syncra Minu & Voyager Minu are two card-sized water pumps from Sicce
The Sicce Minu Syncra and Voyager are two incredibly small pint-sized water movers which are sure to make a big splash on the nano reef scene. First spotted by senior writer Danilo Ronchi at the Sicce Zoomark booth in Italy,…
Deltec MCE400 is the newest improvement in efficient hang-on protein skimming
Reef Depot is having all the fun with another great new reef tank device with the Deltec MCE400 hang on protein skimmer. Deltec is renowned for their traditional cylindrical protein skimmers but their boxy hang-on MCE series have been growing in popularity…
AI Hydra makes worldwide debut at Reef Depot’s Aquarama booth
The AI Hydra just announced by AquaIllumination is real and is making a world premier at the Aquarama booth of Reef Depot in Singapore. The single black unit on display has the topside heatsink of an AI Sol and the…
Longfin Boomerang Discus catch this reefer’s eye at Aquarama 2013
These longfin ‘Boomerang’ discus are among some of the many fine fish entered into this year’s aquarama fish competition. Reef Builders had exclusive access to viewing the competition side of Aquarama during judging and these domestic strains of discus fish…
Aquarama 2013 in Singapore, the largest aquarium event of the year
Aquarama 2013, the largest aquarium event of the year will take place the end of this month in Singapore. From May 30th to June 2nd, the Asian aquarium hobby, community and industry will converge on the Marina Bay Sands Expo…