Tips For Taking Better Aquarium Pictures

Are your aquarium pictures always turning out blue, even when the colors appear bright and vibrant to your eyes? Here are a few tricks you can use to cut out the blue and bring color back to your images. Gel…

New Imaging Technique Could Help to Correct ‘Inaccurate’ Coral Photos

Taking photos while diving with the artifacts of water color and turbidity makes underwater photography one of the most challenging tasks. Often times you either have to bring your own daylight flashlights underwater, and or correct the ‘white balance’ while…

The Aquarium Camera App Is An Essential Tool For Reef Tank Photography

If you’ve ever tried to take a picture of our blue-lit reef tanks with modern smartphones than you know how washed out they can turn out. The amount of blue light in use over our reef tanks, especially from LEDs,…

Aquariclip Brings Color Back To Smartphone Aquarium Photography

Aquariclip is a clip-on orange filter that will improve the quality of your smartphone images. If you’ve ever tried to take a photo of your aquarium using a smartphone you will know this image never seem to do your tank justice.…

Reef Lighting and Coral Aesthetics

I always say that you only really need three things to be successful in this hobby: good water quality, good water flow, and good light. All of those things are pretty involved, but lighting in particular gets a lot of…

My Marine Fish Are Plotting Against Me!

A little-known fact about marine fish kept in aquariums is that they’re passive-aggressive and churlish and enjoy mocking their owners. Okay, I know we’re not supposed to anthropomorphize our livestock, but based on a recent disastrous attempt at an aquarium…

Marine Aquarium Photography: Post Processing of Coral Images

Often the subject of heated online debate is the post processing of coral photos—the manipulation of the coral image by software to tweak color and exposure levels. Post processing of coral images is a particularly hot-button issue because it is…

Marine Aquarium Photography: The Basics of Exposure

At its core, the reef aquarium hobby is a pursuit of aesthetics. We seek out visually appealing fish and corals and look for inspiration in other aquarists’ tanks. More and more reef hobbyists want to share their hobby with others…