Fragments Of Hope Belize Wins UN Climate Solutions Award

UN Climate Solutions Award Fragments of Hope, a small not-for-profit community organization based in Placencia, Belize is one of the UN Climate Solutions Award 2017 winners. Their work has focused on identifying and growing temperature tolerant corals for reef restoration.…

Coral Bleaching Hits Mesoamerican Reef

For the past month reports of coral bleaching along the Mesoamerican reef have been making their way to my inbox. From Cancun to Honduras it seems multiple stretches of the worlds second largest coral reef have suffered some degree of…

Flower Anemones & St Thomas Shrooms From Belize Will Blow Your Mind!

Belize is well known in the Caribbean Sea as a concentration of biodiversity to divers, but now it’s finally going to be on the map in the aquarium world as well. Recent imports of flower anemones and St. Thomas shrooms from…

Fragments of Hope Belize, now offering Ecological Tours

Fragments of Hope is a successful coral restoration project located inside the Laughing Bird Caye National Park Belize. In an effort to promote their sustainable mission and help support coral replenishment work, Fragments of Hope is now offer ecological tours…

Fragments of Hope, Coral Reef Restoration in Belize

Fragments of Hope, is a coral reef restoration project in Belize and is one of the Caribbean’s most successful reef restoration projects with over 60,000 coral fragments planted to date on three different reefs sites/cayes. The project focuses on restoring…

Fragments of hope is an example of reef restoration done right

Laughing Bird Caye National Park in Southern Belize is home to one of the Caribbean’s more successful reef restoration projects. With over 30,000 coral fragments planted to date, Fragments of Hope is a true ray of hope for the future…

An early start to the 2015 Caribbean coral spawn

Corals are known for their synchronistic spawning, typically a week after the last full moon in August. This year with a late blue moon in July the spawning happened earlier than normal. Teams from the Steinhart Aquarium, Seaworld, Akron Zoo, Georgia…

Fragment of Hope sees outplanted reef spawning after two short years

The Fragment of Hope, a coral reef restoration program in Belize, has seen one of its reef nurseries spawning in 2012 that was planted back in 2010. There were samples taken and examined by Dr. Esther Peters has shown three different…

Halichoeres socialis: did you know this small wrasse is critically endangered?

There’s a teeny tiny little wrasse living in the Gulf of Mexico called Halichoeres socialis which is all but unknown in the aquarium world, and it may not last long of this world at all. Living over a tiny 10 square…

Rare whitelined toadfish, Sanopus greenfieldorum appears in limited numbers in US

The whiteline toadfish, Sanopus greenfieldorum, is an outstanding Caribbean species in an otherwise drab and mostly overlooked group of fishes. Toadfish are lethargic, spending a lot of time sitting under rocks and waiting for prey they can ambush, hence the…