LiveAquaria sells $5000 narcosis angelfish almost immediately

In case you were wondering where Quality Marine’s first Americanized narcosis angelfish went to, LiveAquaria has been keeping and conditioning this fish for the last several months. After thoroughly documenting the Centropyge narcosis and thoughtfully acclimating it to aquarium life, today…

The Lima Shrimp is a tiny monster crustacean made to live in flame scallops

The Lima Shrimp or Lima Boxer Shrimp, Microprosthema semilaeve, is a very poorly known marine crustacean from the Caribbean. Lima shrimp are tiny too, growing to have a body length of only half an inch long, with enlarged primary claws that make them look…

LiveAquaria planning a second expansion announced via social media, that it is planning a second expansion of their Rhinelander Aquaculture Coral & Marine Life Facility. This is exciting news, especially for anyone that is a fan of their Diver’s Den. When completed the expansion…

Scott’s fairy wrasse from Cook Islands is the quintessential Cirrhilabrus scottorum

Once upon a time, Scott’s fairy wrasses from the Cook Islands was THE wrasse to have; it was the bee’s knees of fairy wrasses and it was pretty much the only form of Cirrhilarbus scottorum that you could get in the…

Friday Smorgasbord: Underwater art, resort get scrapped, library won’t get ‘Tanked,’ staycations, and finding NEEMO

It’s Friday and we have a slew of fun, interesting and unusual posts for our Friday Smorgasbord. In this week’s edition we have underwater art, a library that won’t be getting ‘Tanked,’ an interesting take on staycations and we’ll be…

Dr. Seuss fish, Belonoperca pylei, in America

The Dr. Seuss Soapfish, Belonoperca pylei, brings back so many fond memories. I have never been more excited about a fish than I am on the arrival of this one. My first encounter with this fish was back in 2006 when Greg…

Black Foxface, Siganus niger: you haven’t seen a rabbitfish like this

The black foxface, Siganus niger from Fiji is a fish we’ve heard about, read about, but never seen or documented in aquaria until last week. The black Foxface comes only from Tonga, but just over a restricted range centered around the northernmost islands…

Oxymonacanthus halli: LiveAquaria’s offers the Red Sea harlequin filefish

LiveAquaria produced and delivered, a fully conditioned specimen of the Red Sea “Harlequin” Filefish, Oxymonacanthus halli.  I cook dinner for my wife and son, go run some errands, and come home to a Facebook posting from Dr. Matt Wittenrich, waving…

LiveAquaria shows off what could be the studliest male Paracheilinus piscilineatus yet

The highly elusive demi god of the flasher wrasses, Paracheilinus piscilineatus has eluded divers and rare fish collectors alike for the longest time imaginable – that is until 2011. Since the start of last year, the industry has been getting fleeting glimpses…

Lipogramma evides and Pseudochromis olivaceus shows up on LiveAquaria’s Diver’s Den

LiveAquaria has been scoring with some really top notch fishes lately especially from the Curacao and Red Sea region. Latest additions to the Diver’s Den to come out from these locales includes the Klayi basslet, Carmabi basslets, the Spanish Flag grouper from Curacao,…