Top 10 New Species of Reef Fish of 2019

This past 2019 was a fruitful year of new saltwater and reef fish species, introducing fish lovers to a whole host of new species. More so than other years we were treated to a nice variety of new official descriptions…

Top 5 New Goby Species of 2019

As we begin wrapping up yet another full year of reporting every aspect of saltwater aquarium news, we’re approaching our annual year-end recaps of all the new species that grabbed our attention in 2019. As usual some very abundant groups…

The Classic Octo-Bubble Coral Finally has a Name

An overlooked 2003 publication describing few new species of corals from Sabah, Malaysia, on the northern tip of the Borneo island, shed lights on a commonly available bubble coral species for many years from Indonesia, and finally put a name…

Vanderhorstia dawnarnallae, Wicked New Species of Shrimp Goby Described

Vanderhorstia dawnarnallae is a beautiful and colorful new species of shrimp goby recently described in the Journal of the Ocean Science Foundation. Discovered in the far eastern reaches of Indonesia also known as West Papua, Dawn’s Shrimp Goby is the…

Bunga, Laeta and Phenganax: Lots of Micro Octocorals Finally get Named

Bunga, Laeta & Phenganax are the new taxonomic homes for a wide variety of small, nondescript octocorals that often hitchhike into our aquariums on coral bases and live rocks. Phenganax is an existing genus which just inducted two new species…

Pteropsaron indicum, A Striking New Species of Signalfish

Pteropsaron indicum is a newly minted species of signalfish which has us really wishing this group of fish had any presence in the hobbyist or public aquarium world. The reason that signalfish are pretty much nonexistent on our collective radar…

Tomiyamichthys emilyae, the Official Description of the Magnificent Fan Shrimp Goby

Tomiyamichthys emilyae is a new name for an old friend that we once saw a lot more of in the aquarium trade. It was almost exactly ten years ago that the ‘Magnificant Fan Shrimp’ goby was introduced to our early…

Acanthastrea pachysepta: Your Orange Lobo is most Likely an Acan!

Acanthastrea pachysepta is a reclassification of a coral that has stumped us for well over a decade. Formerly classified as a Lophyllia (which now includes all Symphyllia too), the majority of orange lobos exhibit a different color, pattern, morphology and especially behavior than any…

New Species of Mysis Shrimp Discovered in an Aquarium

Mysis shrimp are so commonly just regarded as foodstuff for our aquarium fish we don’t often take the time and consider that they’re actually, you know, an important living organism. Sure you might catch sight of a little cloud of…

Two New Species of Coral Banded Shrimp Relatives

Coral Banded Shrimp are some of the most common and great species of reef shrimp that you can put in a saltwater or reef aquarium. The most common species, the red & white Stenopus hispidus will be instantly recognizable to…