Fluorescence is one of the things we love most about keeping and growing corals in an aquarium so we relish the opportunity to see new corals under the blue light treatment. We don’t have to tell you that although we…
Caribbean Corals Find Refuge at a Colorado Invertebrate Zoo
Since about 2014 a generically named ’tissue loss disease’ has been killing off Caribbean corals with alarming speed along the reef tract that hugs the east Florida coastline. The disease is so deadly that in an effort to safeguard the…
Quick Guide To Mound & Boulder Caribbean Corals
Mound & Boulder Quick Guide We get it, you’re busy and don’t have time to sit around sifting through books or perusing our Guide to Caribbean Corals. So we made this quick guide to Mound & Boulder corals so you can easily identify Caribbean…
This Giant Orbicella faveolata Was Here Before Columbus
Orbicella faveolata The coral reef in Tela Honduras is dominated by never ending ridges of thin Agaricia coral, and to eke out a living, any competing species have to adopt a strength in numbers approach for survival. A lone colony of Orbicella…
Caribbean Coral Diaries: Orbicella franksi
Orbicella franksi Orbicella franksi is one of three species of Orbicella coral found in the Caribbean. This species of Orbicella grows into large plates covered in irregularly shaped nodules. The three species of Orbicella are O. faveolata, O. annularis, and O. franksi. The…
Caribbean Coral Diaries: Orbicella annularis
Orbicella annularis Orbicella annularis is one of three species of Orbicella coral found in the Caribbean. This species of Orbicella grows into clusters of long thick columns with large domed shaped tops. The three species of Orbicella are O. faveolata, O.…
Caribbean Coral Diaries: Orbicella faveolata
Orbicella faveolata Orbicella faveolata is an important reef-building coral that forms large mountainous colonies. Juvenile corals are rather mundane, while adult colonies can grow to an impressive size. Orbicella grows by encrusting. A new colony can start from a single polyp…
Caribbean Coral Reefs used to be made up of fields of coral
The concept of shifting baselines is an important one in reef ecology which basically describes how successive generations of researchers have their own ideas of what constitutes a healthy or a natural reef. Nowhere is this concept more important than…