New 550L LED Upgrade for Vertex Illumina Now Available from Scitronix

The Vertex Illumina was once one of the more promising LED lights for demanding lighting applications. With its innovative design the Illumina fixture was both a passive and active heatsink, with novel replacement pads that ‘guaranteed’ the light would be…

Vertex Illumina Two sports more LED colors & channels than any other light

The Vertex Illumina Two is the first real major revision to the LED Light from Vertex Aquaristik since it was introduced more than four years ago. In some ways the Vertex Illumina has been the dark horse of LED reef…

Vertex adds a lot more color options to their Vertex Illumina LED fixtures with new AUX Module

The Vertex Illumina is already a great LED fixture with a lot of color options, and some pretty cool software to boot, but the fixture just got even better with a new multicolor auxiliary (AUX) LED module. For those of you not…

Acan Lighting Prism, Vertex Illumina, and the Maxspect Razor get a comparative rundown

Last week we did a post highlighting some of the main features and attraction of the three high performance compact LED fixtures which included the Ecotech Radion, GHL Mitras and AI Vega. This week the next three bigger guys are…

Vertex Illumina Dashboard Software is everything you could’ve thought of and more

The Vertex Illumina (not to be confused with the Vertex Illluminata) is currently one of the higher end LED fixtures on the market. As a result the Illumina LED comes with all the bells and whistles we have now come…

Vertex Illumina LED gets in-depth review from Bulk Reef Supply

The guys at Bulk Reef Supply have done quite an in-depth and impressive video review of the Vertex Illumina LED fixture. Coming in at over 20 minutes this video really goes through the entire fixture in detail covering PAR readings,…

Vertex Illumina 260, 320 and 360 now available with upgraded Cree XTE LEDs

The beauty of having a modular LED light like the Vertex Illumina is that the LED pads can be upgraded to bring cutting edge components to an exisiting LED platform. To this end Vertex Aquaristik is bringing the Cree XTE…

Vertex Illumina SR 1200 LED gets captured on video

[youtube][/youtube] That Vertex Illumnia that we got our paws on early, gets a video appearance by one lucky person who already has it hanging over their tank. While not available in the United States yet, production models have hit areas…

Illuminata LED is the smallest little multicolored light from Vertex

The Illuminata LED from Vertex packs perhaps the most lighting power in the smalest package of any light we’ve seen at InterZoo 2012 so far. Measuring roughly at a meager four by six inches and a half inch thick, the…

V-Link: First peek at the Vertex USB wireless connection for Illumina LEDs

It may not be a lot to look at, just a USB stick with ZigBee bluetooth baked in, but the V-link from Vertex is a sure sign of things to come. With electronics shrinking and coming down in price, it’s…