Another aberrant Sailfin Tang has been collected from the Indian Ocean for the aquarium trade. Because of its unusual pattern and unknown catch location, it’s hard to tell if this fish is Zebrasoma desjardinii like the world-beating Picasso Tang we covered, but the dark tail, rings, and spots in the anal fin would lead us to believe it is. Zebrasoma veliferum, the other Sailfin Tang, then replaces desjardinii further east.
Aberrant patterns have very much been the domain of Scopas Tangs in the past but now we’ve seen it in over six Zebrasoma species and can’t rule out hybridization in some cases. This fish was collected at 5 meters down and was swimming alone, according to its captor.
It doesn’t yet have the striking markings or true, tricolor palette of Adam Sandler’s fish but we’ve seen that in so many cases Koi tang patterns can change drastically and rapidly, sometimes for the worse but sometimes for the better.
In a video taken soon after capture, this fish looks in need of a little rest and recuperation and it would be good to see it find its forever home and further develop. The supplier told Reef Builders it has received an offer from an importer in Miami.