Mango angelfish from Guam resurfaces after long hiatus

It has been awhile since any fish from Guam has made its way into the trade. Sans the small collection made by Joe Russo last year, this is the first time in a long hiatus that we’re seeing the reappearance…

Centropyge shepardi from Guam are the real deal mango angelfish

Centropyge shepardi is a unique angelfish from Guam which hasn’t been seen in the trade for many, many years. Once upon a time the mango angelfish was exported from the West Pacific U.S. territory in such numbers that you could usually…

An Identification Guide to the Saron Shrimps

Saron shrimps are a common sight on Indo-Pacific reefs, found lurking within rocky crevices during the day and emerging at night to forage and fight amongst themselves. Little is known of their ecology and behavior, but they are typically solitary…

Trimma longispinum is a New Species of Pygmygoby from the Northwestern Tropical Pacific 

A new species of Trimma goby has been described from Tabuaeran and Kirimati Atolls, Kiribati. The Long-Spined Pygmygoby, Trimma longispinum, is a tiny goby just one inch long or smaller (24.8mm Holotype,) and was collected from a coral reef near…

Adding a New Fish to A Boisterous Saltwater Aquarium Display

We never thought we’d see that day that our YouTube channel would feature a how-to about adding a gold crown butterflyfish to a display tank that is already home to a large mature adult Tinker’s butterflyfish but here we are.…

The ‘Cleanest’ Flavocoronatus Butterflyfish Appears at SDC-ERI

The gold crown butterflyfish, Chaetodon flavocoronatus, is one of the rarest species of butterflyfish that we’ve been writing about since 2009, but had never seen for ourselves until last week. Closely related to the tinker’s butterflyfish from Hawaii, the declivis butterflyfish…

Surprising Growth Rates Found In Deep Water Leptoseris Coral

New research published in the journal Coral Reefs revealed unexpectedly high growth rates for deep water photosynthetic coral. The study measured growth rates of deep water Leptoseris corals in Hawaii and found growth rates between 1in – 0.3in or (25mm – 7.5mm)…

Dr. Rocha is Treating us to some Delectable Anthias Photography

Anthias are the quintessential reef fish which can occur in huge schools on shallow sunlit reefs. But anthias are also quite common in deeper reefs as well, these being species we rarely get to see, unless deep diving collectors go…

Chromis anadema is the newest species of Damselfish from Japan & W. Pacific

Chromis anadema is the kind of discovery that happens when researchers take a closer look at an other wise common group of fishes. In this case, a new investigation into the paletail chromis, C. xanhura revealed a new species with…

New reef crab named after Harry Potter

Here’s one for the Potterheads out there. Back in 2001, amateur researcher Harry Conley discovered a black-eyed translucent crab burrowing among reef rocks off the coast of Guam. Having been able to grab two specimens, they were found to be a…