Male Yellow Tail Wrasse is a rarely imported treat

Advanced Aquarium Consultancy in Essex, England has acquired a rare male Yellow tail tamarin wrasse, Anampses meleagrides. The Anampses genus contains some of the most desirable of all wrasses including A.femininus and A.lennardi to name just two stand out species,…

StinkSink is ReefEco’s bad odor solution for protein skimmers

StinkSink is an all-American-made product aimed at reducing the smell from the skimmate collected in protein skimmer cups. The use of carbon for odor control is not new. It’s used exactly in that application both for the home and in…

Aberrant Domino damselfish is one in one thousand catch

Kusuma Aquarium in Bali, Indonesia, has sold what they say is an aberrant Domino Damsel. The leucistic fish pictured clearly lacks the jet-black color its species is known for but you can just about make out where the black pigment…

Straton Pro is ATI’s newest flat panel LED light fixture

ATI has just launched a new panel light called the Straton Pro. Following on from the previous Straton, the new Pro model is a super-thin, passively cooled panel light with app control, but with a few modifications versus the original…

Aberrant Zebrasoma desjardinii is only the second of its kind we’ve seen

Another aberrant Sailfin Tang has been collected from the Indian Ocean for the aquarium trade. Because of its unusual pattern and unknown catch location, it’s hard to tell if this fish is Zebrasoma desjardinii like the world-beating Picasso Tang we…

AF Rock is Aquaforest’s man-made reef rock

With live rock shipments few and far between these days, manufacturers and hobbyists have had to turn to mined or man-made alternatives instead. And Aquaforest is one such rock provider with their latest version, AF Rock, although they’re not new…

Breeding the Wide Band Anemonefish at De Jong Marinelife

The wide band anemonefish, Amphiprion latezonatus, is a rare clownfish which is endemic to a limited range in Australia. Beside the wide white bars, ‘Latz’ clownfish are also recognizable by their beautiful blue lips. This species is often found in…

Monochrome Moorish Idol Forgot Its Yellow Vest!

The moorish idol is a fish so widespread, iconic and recognizable that its black, white, & yellow stripes have been an integral part of marine artwork for over a hundred years. It’s the conservative nature of how moorish idols look…

Four Very Rare & Unique Specimens from RVS Fishworld

Normally when we share exciting fish from RVS Fishworld we’re content to feature one specimen at a time but this week we have four unique specimens to tell you about. Three of these are fish we have featured before but…

Solid Yellow Clownfish Are Being Developed by SFC

The idea of a solid yellow clownfish is one that first came to our attention with the discovery of a single, stunning specimen collected way back in 2014. Although this lone individual went to a private collector, the seed of…