Micom Dosing ATO Is The First Standalone, External Auto Top Off Sensor

The Micom Dosing Auto Top Off is the newest evaporation solution, coming to us from Johnlen of Taiwan. There’s a ton of different auto top off (ATO) devices on the aquarium market these days but the Micom Dosing ATO does…

Hands-on With The New EFlux DC Pump from Current USA

Current USA is one of the oldest lighting companies in the aquarium hobby. After years of selling us power compacts, T5 Fluorescents, metal halides and these days LEDs, Current USA is branching out with the original Loop networking system, headlined…

Hands-on with Piscine Energetics PE Flakes & PE Pellets

PE Pellets and PE Flakes from Piscine Energetics are probably the biggest thing to happen to Mysis relicta in the aquarium hobby since the advent of frozen fish food. We still remember where we were when we first learned about ‘freshwater’ mysis…

Aquarium Leaks, Floods, and How to Prevent Them

Approximately three years ago this weekend I came downstairs from my bedroom only to find water that came over my feet. Thinking like every good reefer, I immediately thought that my tank had sprung a major leak and was flooding…

Biota Marine Successfully Raises Captive Bred Coral Beauty Angelfish

Coral Beauty angelfish are one of the most common species of Centropyge and finally, this iconic fish has been captive bred. In personal communication with Tom Bowling we knew that Biota Palau was working with some pre-settlement Coral Beauty larvae, but…

Focustronic Is The First Motorized LED Light For Aquariums

The Focus 1 by Focustronic is a new light from a completely new lighting company with one radical feature we’ve never before seen in aquarium lighting. In addition to being a fully fledged, high-powered, multicolor, multichannel LED light, the Focus…

YSI 5200A Multiparameter Monitor & Control for Serious Aquatic Professionals

YSI is a familiar brand to aquatic researchers in academia and public aquariums. The YSI 5200A is a multiparameter monitor that can be used in commercial aquaculture facilities, public aquariums, larger home aquariums or for service companies caring for large tanks with expensive…

How to Frag SPS Corals

Sps (small polyp stony) especially Acropora, have consistently been among the hottest corals in the aquarium hobby for the last twenty years. They are most likely the easiest coral to frag; that being said, they are some of the most…

MiniMax Sump Reactor Review:

The MiniMax Sump is a new media reactor from Innovative Marine which is an interesting take on the concept. This new device and its novel operation is a fresh new direction for small media reactors, and it didn’t take us…

Coral mucus impacts microbes in waters surrounding them

Have you ever noticed your corals covered in mucus and wondered, what’s up with the slime? New research suggests that corals selectively remove and promote the growth of diverse picoplankton (planktonic bacteria and archaea) communities living in coral mucus, and that…