Salty Q&A: Is a Sump the Same as a Refugium?

Question What exactly is the difference between a “sump” and a “refugium” (assuming there is a difference)? These are terms I didn’t hear in my 30-plus years as a freshwater aquarist, but I’ve heard them numerous times since starting my…

Edelkrone StandPLUS wants to make your tripod obsolete

The new Edelkrone StandPLUS is one of those inventions where you wonder why somebody didn’t come up with it earlier. Many of us in the hobby are just natural tinkerers and have learned over the years sometimes you have to…

Virtual Reality Scuba Diving – The Click Effect
Ok, I'm convinced. I've just finished my very fist virtual reality scuba diving experience and it was amazing. Sure nothing will replace the real thing but I could be convinced to take a daily meditative afternoon dive. Think about it,…
Brilliant Advertising campaign gives hermit crabs a new home

Suumo Japan in partnership with the Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology have come up with an innovative solution to the loss of sea shells on the beaches of Okinawa Japan, by creating Suumo branded artificial shell for hermit…

5 reasons to visit the Denver Aquarium

The Denver Aquarium features a mix of saltwater and freshwater displays and is home to over 500 species of marine life. With over 1 million gallons of underwater exhibits there is plenty to see and do at the Aquarium. 1.Dreamy Coral…

Four Ways To Refresh Your Scuba Skills, Before A Dive Trip
Scuba Diving Refresher Tips If you're feeling a bit rusty on your scuba skills well you've come to the right place. Keep reading to learn four scuba diving refresher tips, before your new dive trip. My name is Nicole Helgason and…
The Signal Goby: A Master Mimic with a Sketchy Captive Survival Record

The signal goby (Signigobius biocellatus), aka the twin-spot, two-spot, or crab-eye goby, is an appealing little sand sifter with fascinating behavior that, unfortunately, often adapts very poorly to aquarium life. Nonetheless, specimens still appear in the aquarium trade, so it’s…

Seaweed based packaging could replace plastic

We are thrilled with all the new innovative ways designers around the world are thinking outside the plastic box. This week we bring you a more earth-friendly way to package good in the form of seaweed-based agar containers. Have you…

Humpback whale spotted in Vancouver, English Bay

For several weeks now humpback whales have been spotted in English Bay. Residents and tourists have spotted a humpback whale in English Bay since March, around Easter weekend, when it came incredibly close to a group of boaters. It is amazing to see whales returning to English…

What are you doing for National Pet Day?

Today is National Pet Day and we want to know how you are planning on spending it with your saltwater friends. Although many consider traditional pets to be those with fur or feathers, fishkeeping and reefing are just as rewarding…