Salty Q&A: How Long Before My Tank Is Cycled?

Question The fish store dealer who’s helping me through the setup of my first saltwater aquarium told me I need to give the tank time to cycle before I put any fish or corals in it. As of right now,…

Neptune Systems announces next generation of Apex controller

Neptune Systems has announced a new generation of Apex aquarium controller which completely overhauls the aquarium hobby’s most popular controlling system. The new Apex is different in so many incredible ways and it finally brings with it a huge new…

Where have the large coral colonies gone?

Recently I came across a box of slides and began looking at the shots of the many tanks I had seen over the years and several things stood out. I have been fortunate to see a lot of tanks and…

The Raspberry Pi aquarium controller is getting more tempting

A couple of recent advancements from the Raspberry Pi team are making this platform even more enticing for developers around the aquarium. As we wrote back when it launched, the new Raspberry Pi 3 is one heck of a powerful…

Top 10 Bicolored corals and invertebrates

Invertebrates and corals in particular, are fascinating to us higher primates (humans) particularly because they seem so alien from us. Everything about them from the way they live, the way they develop, and even the way they die (or partially die)…

Koh Tachai Island closed indefinitely

Koh Tachai, is an island off the coast of southern Thailand in the Similan National Park. The island is best known for it’s stunning coastline and beautiful coral reefs, and Thai authorities say as of October 15th the island will be…

Population of Vaquita porpoises falls to 60 individuals

The Vaquita is a rare species of porpoise, found only in the norther part of the Gulf of California. Unfortunately due to illegal fishing the Vaquita and it’s habitat are under attack and only 60 individuals remain in the wild. “We are…

Identifying Chilean Devil Rays In The Azores Archipelago

For five months every year (June-October), Chilean devil rays Mobula tarapacana gather in large schools above shallow seamounts in the Azores Archipelago. These oceanic wanderers are the least known of the mobulids, and the Azores is one of only a few locations where these rays gather in large…

MaxSpect’s new QBox, magnifyer, breeder box and frag rack

The MaxSpect QBox, Magnifyer, breeder box and frag rack are a suite of new products that qualify as essential accessories for both marine and freshwater aquariums. MaxSpect is better known for creating more high tech aquarium gear like LED lights,…

Sanrise Aqua Planet LED might be designed for space travel

The Aqua Planet LED is an exciting new aquarium light from Sanrise with an eye-catching new design. It’s not just the spherical form factor of the Aqua Planet LED that catches the eye, but also a professional glossy finish and great colored accents.…