Gramma dejongi school documented on video

Gramma dejongi is one of the most exciting and heart-pounding new species of rare reef fish to be introduced to the world in the last few years. Despite being discovered over five years ago, the illustrious Gramma dejongi is still extremely…

Salty Q&A: Questions on Marine Aquariums and Power Outages

Question I set up a 60-gallon saltwater aquarium in my home last fall, and with my area being very prone to severe weather in spring, I have some questions about aquariums during power outages. Specifically, I’d like to know: How…

Premium Aquatics Celebrates 20 Years in Business

For any business in the industry, making it five or even 10 years is a big milestone, so when we heard Premium Aquatics was celebrating 20 years of service as an online retailer, we were a bit in awe. Premium…

Black tiger maxima clam in the wild

In case you had forgotten what a stellar black tiger maxima clam is supposed to look like  . . . here’s some great shots of this clam to jog your memory. It’s been a long time since giant clams have…

Tunze 9410 DC DOC Skimmer review Pt 1, first impressions

The Tunze 9410 DC DOC Skimmer is one of the company’s first two models of protein skimmer to feature a controllable DC needle wheel pump. With so many controllable protein skimmers essentially being only slight variants of the same design, and…

Corals inside no-take zones are more resilient to natural disturbances

As marine biodiversity continues to decline it is important we maximize the effectiveness of conservation efforts. The Great Barrier Reef is facing multiple threats from natural and man-made natural disturbances but for the first time, researchers at the Australian Institute of…

AquaMaxx NemoLight LED review Pt 2, how it looks over corals

The NemoLight LED from AquaMaxx is an attractive and affordable light fixture which was recently released in several sizes. To reach a balance between form, function and cost, the NemoLight is not the brightest or most fully featured light you…

Dissolved Gases in Marine Aquaria: Saturation Problems and Solutions

If you’re like most marine aquarium hobbyists, you probably don’t give a great deal of thought to the levels of dissolved gases in your system beyond making sure you’re providing good aeration and circulation. But under certain circumstances, these levels…

Intova Duo Sport Action Cam is an affordable new Waterproof HD Camera

The Intova Duo Sport Action Cam combines low cost with high performance and is the newest underwater camera to be added to Intova’s line of action cameras. The Duo Sport is a new breed of action sport video cameras that…

Details on the new and improved Red Sea MAX S

The Red Sea MAX S has been the flagship of the Red Sea MAX line of all in one aquariums since it was introduced way back in summer of 2011. With five more years of research and development under their…