Koi Moorish Idol is an art house aberration

A one-of-a-kind Moorish Idol has been made available on the website Marine Collectors. Named a Koi Moorish Idol, this eye-catching example of Zanclus cornutus displays four colors instead of the usual three, with far more orange and far less black…

NASA NeMO-Net Wants YOU To Help Classify Coral Ecosystems

NeMO-Net NeMO-Net is an intelligent, space-aged iOS app, where players help NASA classify coral reefs by painting 3D and 2D images. Data from the game is fed to NASA NeMO-Net, the first neural multi-modal observation and training network for global…

8 Things to Think About to Help Find the Perfect Reef Tank

You have been bitten by the reefing bug and decided you are going all-in, diving headfirst into the hobby. But the best piece of advice we can give you is, take your time and really think about what you want…

Tropical adds Marine Power Gel Formula for DIY gel food

Tropical International rolled out another food, Marine Power Gel Formula for DIY gel food and was showing it at InterZoo. The gel formula allows you to create flexible feeding options for your marine fish. For this version from Tropical, the…

You Have To See How This Fluid Ocean Art Is Created – DEMA 2017

Rio Saress Ocean Art We stumble upon an inspired ocean artist at DEMA creating live paintings during the show. Artist Rio Saress is posted up in the Indigo Industries booth (2517), and if you’re attending DEMA we highly recommend taking a…

The Ludicrous Chalice Is Out Of This World

Last week an insane piece of Chalice came up from Indonesia. It’s like nothing we have ever encountered so far. This Unique piece collected by Bali aquarium somewhere in the Java Sea, was quickly snapped by Sea Dwelling Creatures. The…

The Future of Aquarium Lighting Is Probably In MicroLEDs

It’s been one helluva ride watching lighting technology progress through the lens of the aquarium hobby. For me at least, first it was NO, T8 and VHO fluorescent tubes, then it was discerning the difference between regular and pulse start…

Unboxing Some Gorgeous & Lifelike Aquarium Fish TOYS!

One of the things that makes the aquarium hobby so enjoyable is all the different aspects that can keep it interesting and diversified. Of course we love our livestock, great reef aquarium displays, and all the shiny bells and whistles…

Becoming A PADI Instructor Zambezi’s Story

Education There are three elementary schools on the island with classes up to the 8th grade. While current generations are more likely to attend school, growing up Zambezi and his age group were unlikely to study past the 3rd or…

The NEW GNC Bluray LED Is A Thing Of Italian Beauty

What do you get when you combine 588 LEDs for 130 watts of lighting power into a svelte merger of aluminum and glass? I”ll give you a hint, it’s not an iPhone, but the newest high performance LED light from…