Signature Frags is a Unique British Coral Boutique

British reefkeepers haven’t had a lot to get excited about lately. An exponential rise in the cost of electricity had loomed over many hobbyists to the point of shutting their tanks down, with few people shopping for new corals and…

Galaxea Can Grow as big as Houses!

Large hard coral colonies are not only a very good sign of proper reef health, they are also a mesmerizing sight when they allowed to grow to full size. These majestic coral colonies are getting hard to find so we’re…

WAMAS donates $20,000 to the Living Coral Biobank Project

The Washington DC Area Marine Aquarist Society (WAMAS) has donated $20,000 USD to the Great Barrier Reef Legacy Living Coral Biobank Project. Based in Port Douglas, Australia, the aim of the project is to safeguard the biodiversity of all known…

Great Barrier Reef records highest hard coral cover in 36 years

The Australian Institute of Marine Science has reported a 36-year coral coverage high across the Great Barrier Reef for 2021/22. The greatest coverage increases were reported in the North and Central regions of the GBR, which is in direct contrast…

Chagos Brain Coral, Ctenella chagius, rediscovered on the edge of existence 

A coral that was previously thought to be extinct has been rediscovered in the Chagos Archipelago. The Chagos Brain Coral, Ctenella chagius, is endemic to the Chagos islands in the Indian Ocean. It belongs to a monotypic genus within Meandrinidae,…

Reef Aquariums video archive reminds us of the Golden Age of reefing

YouTube can be a wonderful thing and the Brooklyn Aquarium Society – a 111-year-old fish club, has been kind enough to upload and share some of its archived speaker presentations from years gone by. Reef Aquariums Questions & Answers was…

Kessil W2K is 720 Watts of Pure LED Power

Kessil has made some really bright lights over the years but the Kessil W2K is looking like they’ve finally nailed down the formula. We got our first hints of Kessil’s super-powered LED light ambitions with the Kessil A2000 as far…

Captive Bred Nano Euphyllia Polyps are Adorable

There’s no question that Euphyllia (Fimbriaphyllia) have become some of the most popular aquarium corals of all time coming in a wide range of colors and tentacle shapes. Like many other collectors we have a couple dozen varieties spread across…

Our New 40 Breeder Sump Setup is Affordable & Awesome [Video]

We love fancy sumps as much as the next reefer, especially ones which are well engineered to really improve the filtration performance and the user experience of powering a reef tank. Unfortunately most designer sumps usually incorporate a ton of…

The Challenge With Grafted/Protein Infected Corals

The reef aquarium hobby has always had some degree of obsession with any new or unique coral strains and varieties. It’s therefore no surprise that when reefers first started discovering irregular patches of color in SPS corals like Acros and…