The Mimic Anemone strikes again, this time pretending to be algae!

It’s not the first time we’ve written about the insane anemone, Phyllodiscus semoni, and its crazy ability to disguise itself in its environment, mimicking different species of corals such as Acropora, Porites, Tubipora, Sinularia, Algae, and even other anemones. And…

Quality Marine’s Citron gobies come in several funky flavors

Citron gobies come in many colors from lemon to mustard yellow, brown to black, but these specimens from Quality Marine are definitely in the in-between category. Gobiodon citrinus are widespread in nature, inhabiting reefs off Africa, Asia, and Oceania, and…

Grafted Millepora are not as rare as we thought

Grafted corals are the reef aquarium’s holy grail. They demand a high price tag and are highly sort after by many of us. Acropora millepora is the second most popular Acropora after Acropora tenuis, and a good, grafted millepora is…

Colonial tunicates are cool but should be avoided

While scanning the Acro tank in our LFS we noticed this overgrowing the base of a colony. It’s an ascidian, a colonial tunicate, possibly Botrylloides leachii, which has spread over this Indonesian maricultured Acropora in a matter of just weeks.…

Nothing can Stop Extended Reach Coral Cutters

Having overgrown corals is a good problem to have but it’s also a rare condition in parts of the hobby that are mostly focused on collecting tiny fraglets. For the rest of us who do let our corals grow out, and…

Isopora is the Most Common Coral You’ve Barely Heard of

During our reef journeys we’ve come across many different kinds of coral reefs dominated by Isopora – a very close relative of the beloved staghorn corals. But some of the shallowest reefs we’ve observed while diving in Bunaken National Park,…

Filefish use teeth anchorage to hold on

Filefish have been observed on more than ten separate occasions using their mouths to hold on to corals, algae, and other items to prevent themselves from being swept away. The interesting behavior was first documented in a scientific paper by…

Florida Aquarium successfully breed endangered Elkhorn coral

Scientists at the Florida Aquarium have for the first time, successfully captive-bred The Elkhorn Coral, Acropora palmata. Elkhorn is an endangered species that was once found all over the shallow waters of the Caribbean but now there are thought to…

If You Knew How Rare Fox Corals Truly Are

The fox coral has one of the most unique polyp shapes of any coral and it’s a real treat for coral divers to see underwater. As you know, we like to explore reef areas where not many divers go because …

The Deep Water Rose Coral Reef is a Living Treasure

Several months ago a deep reef from French Polynesia made the news as something completely new because we didn’t know about the existence of these deeper reefs. Nevertheless it’s a good thing that corals are in the news, and people…