A Day in the Life of a Coral Farmer

Going out for a drink and meeting people who ask what you do for a living is always amusing when you tell them you farm corals. It’s not often you can delve into the inner workings, hardships, and triumphs of…

Managing Tissue Necrosis

While we have come a long way in the hobby and have improved our husbandry skills for keeping corals immeasurably over the past four decades, we still have much to learn, especially in the area of coral diseases. Having worked…

Doug’s Perfectly Designed Fish Room & Stunning Custom Reef Tank

If you look up the word redundancy in the dictionary, you’ll find a photo of Doug Deurloo’s Reef. Did I mention that Doug’s reef is the definition of redundancy? Ok, I’ll stop.  During a recent trip to Indianapolis, I was…

Simplicity Coral Dipping Container is an evolved vessel for pests

The importance of dipping corals cannot be underestimated these days as we covet and culture evermore expensive coral variants, yet pass them from owner to owner, tank to tank, in frag form. We all know what it’s like to find…

Reefstock Denver 2023 Product Showcase

We’ve teamed up with some of the best brands and aquatic companies for ReefStock this year and new to Denver is the 2023 Product Showcase. Here we highlight just some of the exciting new products that you can expect to…

Are Goni gardens the next big thing from Indonesia?

When you see three coral suppliers all showing off the same thing in the same week it’s safe to say they are about to trend in the hobby. That has been the case this week for Goniopora gardens from Indonesia,…

We’ve been on a coral ID course. Here’s why you should too.

We’re feeling high on reef life this week, as we’ve just finished a four day BYOGUIDES Online Coral ID workshop with Russell Kelley. As the title suggests, this virtual, live workshop is held by author and science communicator Russel Kelley…

Make AAC part of your saltwater fish store Grand Tour

View Post Everyone likes to visit a good marine store and if you’re traveling to or across the UK, put Advanced Aquarium Consultancy in Harlow, Essex, on your to-do list. Owned and operated by industry veteran Paul Hughes, AAC is…

The New Octocorallia: A Brief Review of Taxonomic Chaos

Soft Corals, Gorgonians, and Sea Pens comprise the Octocorallia, a major branch in the coral tree of life whose 3000+ species come in nearly every shape imaginable. Not surprisingly, this biodiversity has confounded taxonomists for centuries, resulting in no shortage…

Study finds Table Corals are fast to grow but first to go 

Scientists at the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) have found that some fast-growing coral species on the Great Barrier Reef slow down their growth rates when they are exposed to warmer water.   The study, published in the Proceedings of…