The ZooMed Powersun H.I.D. Metal Halide UVB Lamp is a new high intensity discharge lighting system that was originally designed for reptiles and terrariums. This full spectrum metal halide system consists of a pendant with a built-in 70 watt metal halide…
Search Results For: clam
Nothing Mysterious about the Mystery Wrasse’s Charms
Pseudocheilinus ocellatus, the mystery wrasse (aka the tail-spot wrasse, white-barred wrasse, or five-barred wrasse), is somewhat uncommon in the hobby and usually priced accordingly. But if you can get past the sticker shock for such a modest-sized fish, you’ll find…
Captive Bred Mandarin Goby from Biota Aquariums
The mandarin goby is one of the most popular marine aquarium fish, unfortunately it is not the easiest fish to keep, and definitely not recommended for beginners. One way to make the iconic dragonet more accessible is to offer them…
Mass die-off of corals and invertebrates at East Flower Garden Bank
100 miles offshore of Texas and Louisiana, the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary, is considered one of the healthiest anywhere in the region. Last week NOAA scientist were stunned to find green hazy water and expansive patches of white mats…
Zoo Med 50 Gallon ‘Low Boy’ Aquarium is a Dream Tank for Frags
The Low Boy is an interesting new breeder aquarium from Zoo Med which is destined to be the hobby’s new favorite frag tank. This 50 gallon aquarium has an area of 48 by 24 inches, but it is only 10…
The ‘Finding Dory Effect’ is already in full swing
Finding Dory has been a smash hit at the box office, grossing nearly $300 million in its first couple weeks at the box office. But as with many movies produced by Disney and Pixar and targeted at younger audiences, there…
A Fever of Cownose Rays Spotted in Florida
Last week a rather large ‘fever’ of stingrays was filmed flocking off the coast of Tampa Bay Florida. Yes I said fever! The rays, thought to be Cownose rays migrate north from Mexico each summer to the Florida coast in large…
Top 10 Bicolored corals and invertebrates
Invertebrates and corals in particular, are fascinating to us higher primates (humans) particularly because they seem so alien from us. Everything about them from the way they live, the way they develop, and even the way they die (or partially die)…
ORA wants you to pick its next poster!
ORA is looking for input for its next poster to add to its series. The ORA Maxima Clam poster, ORA Clownfish, and ORA Coral posters the company produced are getting such a warm reception, they are looking to the hobbyists and…