Earlier this year we personally visited LiveAquaria to spend some quality time with one of the very few peppermint angelfish ever to be sold in the United States. Although we traveled to Wisconsin for our private peppermint angelfish party, as…
Quality Marine Makes History With Uber Rare Pitcairn Angelfish
It has been an incredible couple of weeks for rare angelfish news but nothing can top the mind blowing collection of deepwater species that Quality Marine just received from the Cook Islands. Those of you up to date on your…
Tantalizing Video Clip Of A Luscious Peppermint Angelfish
The Peppermint Angelfish is the undisputed holy grail of rare and exotic reef fish. We’ve written at length about what makes Paracentropyge boylei special, and every account of this species both in the wild, and in the aquarium world. Since it’s…
The Peppermint Angelfish that won the world over
Despite the Peppermint Angelfish’s (Paracentropyge boylei) recent meteoric debut in the mainstream aquarium trade, it’s status as an iconic book fish has hardly been relinquished. Familiarity has not made us jaded with the clinquant beauty of this incredible species. In fact, it’s a…
DeJong Marinelife’s Interzoo Booth is a rare fish oasis amid exhibition chaos
Wandering the numerous halls of Interzoo 2014 is intense. It requires endurance, comfortable footwear and ton of caffeine to take it all in. But once we found DeJong Marinelife’s booth among the chaos, we found ourselves in fish-geek heaven. Unlike…
BlueHarbor’s current inventory is brimming with the rarest reef fish
From the Southern Pacific to Curacao to Hawaii and homeland Japan, BlueHarbor never looked so amazing this week with what could be the most intense collection of fish ever at any one time. Just when we think the man in…
Baby peppermint angelfish video is the pinnacle of cute reef life
For a fish that was once only known from a handful of photos and only one specimen in captivity, the peppermint angelfish sure is getting a lot of airplay today. We are definitely living in a golden age of reef…
Peppermint & Narcosis angelfish together in one aquarium
Is there anything more captivating than seeing a peppermint angelfish and a narcosis angelfish together in one tank? That’s a trick question because if you answered yes, you’ll be pleasantly surprised to learn that a recent video from Blue Harbor reveals a…
Five live peppermint Angelfish make their way to Blue Harbor Japan
Somewhere in Osaka Japan, down deep in the fish conditioning vault of Blue Harbor Aquariums, rests no less than five little treasures from the Pacific Ocean, the illustrious peppermint angelfish, Paracentropyge boylei. The quintet of holy grail reef fish arrived…