Saltwater Fish

Who Knew that a Cortez Angelfish Could Be This Attractive

The Cortez Angelfish, Pomacanthus zonipectus, is a little appreciated large species from the East Pacific Ocean. While this fish has a gorgeous juvenile coloration consisting of a dark body punctuated by a few bold yellow and blue stripes, this is a…

Biota’s Bristletail Filefish are TRAINED to Eat Aiptasia!

Bristletail filefish, Acreichthys tomentosus, is a well known reef fish that has a strong potential to eat Aiptasia and Majano pest anemones. Despite their long record, I’d actually never personally employed one for this purpose, opting instead for peppermint shrimp and/or copperband…

Gorgeous Aberrant Dottybacks Collected in Philippines

Pictichromis dottybacks are a staple of the marine aquarium hobby, with strawberry and diadema dottybacks being a common and hardy fish well suited for beginner reef tanks. Since these fish are so abundant and often seen in tanks and stores,…

How propagation programs at the Monterey Bay Aquarium impact outstanding visitor experience. IAC 2016

International Aquarium Congress 2016 | DAY 1 Randy Hamilton, Vice President of Husbandry at the Monterey Bay Aquarium spoke to the history of propagation at the Monterey Bay Aquarium and how breakthroughs in Jellyfish, Cephalopods and Seahorse propagation has enabled…

The Pacific Sailfin Tang: A Hardy, Bold Species Demanding Spacious Accommodations

The Pacific sailfin tang (Zebrasoma velifer), not to be confused with its Red Sea namesake (Zebrasoma desjardinii), is a fish with many attributes that make it desirable to marine aquarium hobbyists—it’s attractive, hardy, bold, easy to feed, etc. But don’t…

Clipperton Angelfish Still Going Strong at the Aquarium of the Pacific

As popular as marine angelfishes are, there’s still a few species which hardly register on the radar of aficionados. It doesn’t help that several of these species like Apolemichthys guezei, Genicanthus spinus and Centropyge hotumatua are very rarely encountered by…

Awesome Fish Spotlight: Barbour’s Seahorse

The Barbour’s Seahorse, Hippocampus barbouri, is born a striking yellow with an eye catching zebra striped snout. Its textured skin with spines protruding from its body make it an unusual species. Like most seahorses, it likes to hang out in…

Juggalo Clownfish is Becoming a Sensational New Strain

The Juggalo Clownfish is what we’re calling the nearly mature ‘Super DaVinci‘ clownfish first introduced by Sea & Reef Aquaculture. This clownfish was first displayed at MACNA 2015 last year with an official name ‘to be determined’, and while we…

Biota Aquariums launches Indiegogo campaign for new All-In-One Aquarium

Biota Aquariums has launched their new All-In-One marine aquarium system via Indiegogo. Customers who purchase a Biota Aquarium buy the full package; a 13.5 gallon tank, LED light, filter, hydrometer, thermometer, biological additive, live sand, cultured live rock, captive-raised fish,…

Prognathodes basabei, or orange margin butterfly, now officially described

Although known to exist for over 20 years and even referenced quite a few times here at Reef Builders, a new species of deep-water butterflyfish from the mesophotic reefs of the Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument was finally described today by…