
Coco Carbon from Grotech comes from Coconut Shells

Grotech outs its new CoCo carbon, although this name sounds like a delicious hot chocolate drink of some kind Coco actually stands for something else. Coconut. Grotech is bragging that Coco carbon…

Tetra Marine Sea salt has been flirting with UK, not US

The United Kingdom has had access to Tetra’s new brand of sea salt for a few months now and here in the US we haven’t seen any blimp of it on the radar. The salt which is very affordable targets…

Google Ocean: Google Earth now with 71% more Ocean

This week, the groundbreaking mapping software Google Earth has been updated with features which now describe the other 71% of the planet’s surface area. The update is being dubbed Google Ocean and it includes much more detailed bathymetry, geotags of…

LiveAquaria uploads rare fish hall of fame gallery to facebook

For those of you who missed some of the extremely rare fish that LiveAquaria has peddled in the last few months, LiveAquaria has just uploaded a rare fish hall of fame gallery to their facebook account. The notable entries include…

The smallest of the small, newly discovered pigmy seahorses

Thanks to Rich for pointing this one out, National Geographic just posted a gallery of five new Indonesian pigmy seahorses. Three of the species were described by talented fish photographer Rudie Kuiter (original description). The pony above is Satoni’s seahorse…

ATI Sunpower T5 gets all pretty for the cameras

The ATI sunpower, one of the most highly anticipated lighting units in 2009 has finally arrived here in the United States. The unit which comes in multiple flavors has been caught getting all done up for the cameras. We are…

Sapphire Aquatics outs Solana/Cardiff Nano Skimmer

Less than a year ago, there weren’t to many options for those of us that had a nano aquarium and wanted a better skimmer. Generally speaking, the stock skimmers included in nano aquariums (if they even include a skimmer) aren’t…

ATB 2009 External Cone skimmer in production

ATB has been working on an external cone skimmer for some time now and we can finally bring you first imagery of it. The skimmer uses a flowstar pump that we have covered in times past, however this new line…

Solaris LED lighting vanishing from stores shelves, online retailers

This isn’t much of a surprise, a mere two days later after we reported about the LED lighting aquarium patent issue going on in the industry several online retailers have pulled the Solaris LED from their websites. Additionally, local fish…

Spotcinctus Clownfish: ORA produces another clownfish mutant

Is there no end to how cracked out we can make our clownfish? ORA has just released another batch of a designer clownfish, a spotted variant of the Bicinctus clownfish. Hot on the heels of the all white ocellaris, the…

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