
US Government Proposes Ban on Six Species of Giant Clams

In a 173-page document, the United States government has announced a proposal to list all species of giant clams under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS, sometimes…

Video: Coral Spawning in Closed System Aquariums by Jamie Craggs

While attending the Love2Reef event in the UK in May, we also got to meet Dr. Jamie Craggs and listen to one of his talks on captive coral spawning. We found it inspirational, we learned a lot, but we didn’t…

Rewarding Reefing

It’s easy to forget the reasons why we dedicate the majority of our lives to caring for these beautiful animals. In a changing world full of comparison, it can happen to all of us that we start in this hobby…

Touring 2700 gallons of Reef Tanks

On a recent trip to Denver for some upgrades at the Reef Builders Studio, Salem and I embarked on a very important side quest. We had heard rumors of a legendary hobbyist with a shed filled with fish, coral, and…

Alkatronic Pro Can Control KH, pH, and Temperature

It’s been seven long years since we first wrote about the Alkatronic KH monitor and controller, when Focustronic was then, primarily, a budding lighting manufacturer. We remember installing an Alkatronic at the store we worked in and bestowing the virtues…

How a Cooling Fan Can Save Your Tank from Overheating

If you’re new to reefing there’s so much to learn about keeping corals alive, but one of the fundamentals – more important even than KH and phosphate, more important even than light and flow, is temperature. It’s not the cold…

An Interview with a Coral Nursery Technician from the Bahamas

While staying on Cat Island in the Bahamas one day my family and I went to eat at the Greenwood Resort. Not only did it have a spectacular view and food but the people were all very warm and welcoming.…

Wild Collected Branching Rock is Back On the Menu!

There’s something about branching rock that just gets our reefing juices flowing. Not the man-made stuff. We already buy that, use it, and love it. No, these are the real reef bones formed in nature, in far-off Pacific reefs, and…

My Top 10 Predatory Fish for 50-Gallon Aquariums and Under

One of my favorite types of tanks is nanos with predatory fish. In a small water volume, it’s easy to manage the high nutrients that come naturally with keeping more predatory fish due to their metabolism and food source. Nanos…

The Tale of the Purple Monster and the Land of Gold

Recently I gave a talk at a UK reefing show, where I gave my (British,) take on the American reefing scene. One of the many aspects I admire the most is the legacy corals, their sharing throughout the community, and…

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