
Amazing Solomon Island Favites from Vibrant Corals

Remy and I were in Dallas after Aquashella, and we visited Vibrant Corals, a wholesaler that brings in corals from all over the world to distribute to US-based stores. While there, we…

ICP Analysis Confirms it’s Closing Down

The reefing community was shocked to read that ICP testing company ICP Analysis is closing down. The company has been featured at many American reefing shows and on the Reef Builders website, Reef Therapy, and YouTube channel in recent years,…

Video Tour of Wholesaler Aquatic Realm International

After Aquashella Dallas Remy and Salem stayed in the area to do some coral shopping and high on their “must-visit list” was Aquatic Realm International. Although it’s not open to the public, Sutan, The Godfather, welcomed them in to show…

Your Favia’s Not a Favia – A Cursory Guide to Ex-Favia Merulinid Corals

A quick internet search for “Favia for sale” will return a collection of encrusting large-polyp stony corals collectively grouped as such. However, if one were to take a closer look, they would notice that many of these “Favia” are nothing…

Reef Relief is the World’s First Sunscreen that Nourishes Coral

A new sunscreen brand says it isn’t just safe for coral reefs, it actively feeds and nourishes coral! Non reef-safe sunscreen contains Oxybenzene which Reef Relief says is proven to be lethal to coral and coral larvae even in small…

AI Nero Flow Directors offer Angle Adjustment for Popular Wave Pump 

British 3D printer Aqua Print has produced third-party angled nozzles for Aqua Illumination’s Nero flow pumps.   “The AI Nero range of Flow Directors allows you to direct the flow where you need it within your aquarium,” Aqua Print’s Jonny Prior…

An Identification Guide to the Saron Shrimps

Saron shrimps are a common sight on Indo-Pacific reefs, found lurking within rocky crevices during the day and emerging at night to forage and fight amongst themselves. Little is known of their ecology and behavior, but they are typically solitary…

Compsanthias is the New Genus for Anthias ventralis and hawaiiensis

Anthias ventralis and Anthias hawaiiensis have been placed into the new genus Compsanthias by Dr. Anthony Gill. In a paper published in the journal Zootaxa, Gill erects the new genus based on differences in the infraorbital bones, anal fin ray…

2024 Marine Aquarium Conference of North America Cancelled

Reef Builders is sad to learn that MASNA has had to cancel MACNA, the Marine Conference of North America, for 2024. The organization has released the following information via social media: “The Marine Aquarium Societies of North America (MASNA) deeply…

Ocellated Dragonets Can Offer Alternative Flatworm Control

If you ever suffer those pesky little rust-brown flatworms the usual prescription is either a Sixline wrasse, Springer’s Damsel, or a Psychedelic mandarin, Synchiropus picturatus. These are all good choices but the species we use to best effect in my…

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