
The Microbial Men Discuss All Things Bacterial at Reefstock Denver

I don’t know if it’s the current buzzworthy topic, or if the subject of the bacterial microbiome has been amplified since adding Salem Clemens to the team, but one thing is for…

Green Cabbage Coral is One Of The Best Corals for Beginners

If you’re completely new to reef aquariums or have had a bad run of coral deaths, our featured coral, the Cabbage Coral, is a great coral to add to your tank. As the common name suggests this soft coral looks…

Miami Seaquarium Facing Eviction after “troubling history of violations”

Miami Seaquarium has been served an eviction notice in the form of a letter titled “Notice of Advisement – Termination of Lease of Review” by Miami-Dade County. Seaquarium’s owners MS Leisure Company, have been told they must vacate the premises…

Jake’s Kitchen Sink Tank: Jack’s Five-Year Update Video

If you’ve been a fan of the Reef Builders YouTube channel for a while, you probably remember the inception of the studio and introduction of the aquariums inside. In September of 2018, Jake Adams took delivery of 2 new Innovative Marine…

This Week in Reefing

If you came out to Reefstock Denver or interacted with our social posts that weekend, THANK YOU!  It was exciting to see everyone again this year. From fans to vendors and reefing “celebrities,” it’s safe to say we had a blast.  Be…

Regal x Tiger Angelfish could be the first cross-genera hybrid

Prolific angelfish breeders Poma Labs announced the news of not one but two exciting breeding successes this week. The first is the Yellow-Ear Angelfish, Apolemichthys xanthotis, the 19th Angelfish species bred by the leading aquaculturists and they believe, the first…

UNS Reef System is a feature-packed reef-ready aquarium package

Ultum Nature Systems is best known for its ADA-style aquascaping product line and aquariums but until now, its saltwater offering had been limited to small All-In-One tanks. The new UNS Reef System, or R Line, breaks the aquascaping mold however,…

X9 is a Compact New LED Light Fixture from Zetlight

Zetlight has released a new reef aquarium light called the X9. The 5.5” square, compact light fixture features a central LED array and comes in two models – the 66-watt Basic model and the 96-watt Advanced. The outer aluminum housing…

Evaluating the Repeatability and Differences between ICP Tests

By Sanjay Joshi and Richard Ross. ICP testing has become more mainstream in the past few years since it was introduced in the hobby almost a decade ago, but questions about the utility of the testing results remain. ICP testing…

Is Ammonia Dosing a Possible New Way to Provide Coral Nutrition? 

Understanding Coral Diseases as well the nutritional needs of corals has been one of the shortcomings of science and the hobby since Jacques Cousteau introduced us to the coral reefs in the 1960s. We have made extensive progress in improving…

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