Bean Bag Yuma Ricordea is a New Show-Stopping Shroom

The ‘Bean Bag Yuma’ is an interesting color morph of the popular Ricordea yuma which is somehow familiar in coloration, but wildly different in its appearance. Ever since the stratospheric rise of shrooms, spearheaded by the iconic WWC Bounce Shroom,…

Hockey Stick Tomato Clownfish Found in the Philippines

The ‘hockey stick’ tomato clownfish is an interesting new aberrant clownfish recently collected by RVS Fishworld in the Philippines. It’s been a good long while since the prolific seas of this area of the Coral Triangle has fished up a…

Not All Wilsoni Corals are the Same

In the recents months we’ve been seeing an increase in the availability of insane Australophyllia wilsoni coming from Western Australia. This species is an Indian Ocean endemic, and the only coral that can regularly be found growing among kelp forest.…

Make a clean start with Algae Barn’s Ultimate Refugium Starter Pack

Setting up a new refugium typically meant scooping up some free algae from a “friend” and hoping it was clean, full off all the good things and free of all the bad things — and we all have heard about…

We Really Do Miss the Soft Corals from Fiji

Soft Corals are such an important part of wild coral reefs but as with most corals that aren’t radioactive, they are massively underrepresented in the reef aquarium hobby. We’re not talking about zoanthids, or shrooms, start polyps or any of…

Top 5 Spots You Must See Snorkeling Solomon Islands

Snorkeling Solomon Islands The Solomon Islands is a South Pacific destination surrounded by crystal blue water teeming with life. Combined with charming islands bungalows, and a uniquely different culture, the Solomon Islands is a tropical holiday destination waiting to be…

Illumagic Vitamini Striplight Review: More Color & Power for Less Money

The Vitamini LED Super Actinic Striplight by Illumagic is the first supplemental light of its kind that we’ve had the pleasure of writing about in far too long. This skinny new little light bar is packed with power, color, and…

Hands-on with the 128 Gallon Rimless Tank & Stand from Pro Clear Aquatic Systems

It’s hard to deny that the ‘saltwater fish’ aquarium hobby has almost completely transformed into the ‘coral reef’ aquarium hobby, with the majority of discussions being framed in the context of a REEF tank. This is mostly good with some…

Crossing our Fingers for Kessil to Release the White A360X

I don’t think anyone was more excited to see a white version of Kessil’s A360X LED spotlight at MACNA than me. Every single aspect of the light’s performance, color spectrum, controls etc. is identical to the black one, but it…


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