Caribbean Coral Diaries – Porites astreoides

The Coral Diaries series is a list of corals we have seen while diving around the world. We’ve created this series so that you can learn more about corals, and how to identify them on the reef. We encourage you…

How Coral Beauty Angelfish Are Made

The Coral Beauty Angelfish is one of the most beautiful small fishes on the coral reef, Its purple color ranges from deep blue to magenta, with rippling bars that contrast boldly with its golden orange body color. These features makes…

Coralline Algae, What Is It And How To Grow It

Coralline Algae is a vey important part of the reef and can be desirable in the home aquarium as well. In nature, coralline algae grows in lots of different ways but for our home aquariums we are primarily interested in crustose…

What to do with an aggressive fish

We all make that mistake of seeing an extraordinary fish and instantly buying it at the fish store. Sometimes we know it may be risky and other times the fish just turns into a bully. So what can you do…

Friday Smorgasbord: Video edition

Friday is one of the best days of the week. As many of us are enjoying our last day of work before heading into the weekend, why not enjoy a few cool videos to set the stage for an awesome…

IceCap 3K Gyre Generation Flow Pump licences Maxspect technology
The new IceCap 3K Gyre Generation Flow Pump looks a lot like the Maxspect Gyre pumps and that's because IceCap licensed the technology from Maxspect to produce a budget-friendly gyre pump. The IceCap 3k Gyre is rated for up to…
AquaMaxx Coral-Eye flashlight is an affordable coral viewing light

We’ve been enamored with coral checking flashlights like the Coral Fluorescence Protein Checker or Orphek Azurelight for a few years as a great way to really put corals through the paces at frag swaps and trade shows. Now AquaMaxx is…

Helpful Protein Skimmer troubleshooting tips for newbies and vets alike

A protein skimmer is an essential piece of equipment in aquarium keeping. It is often the heart of the tank that oxygenates the water. Because it is a crucial piece of our system, you need to make sure it is working properly.…

What Are Acropora Eating Flatworms And How To Treat Them

Acropora Eating Flatworms (AEFW) are an SPS reefers nightmare. One day you can go from a pristine reef to a fully blown out plague just by introducing them with one coral. Amakusaplana acroporae, Acro eating flatworms, are species of flatworm…

MASNA hopes Dr. Junda Lin Memorial Fund leads to freely accessible research

Scientific research can be costly to conduct, prepare and publish, as well as costly to access. While the first one is hard to change, the latter is something MASNA is hoping to change with the Dr. Junda Lin Memorial Fund…