The indomitable Red Bubble Tip Anemone

When we are asked which anemone we recommend for reef aquaria the answer is simple – 100% The Red Bubble Tip Anemone. We’ve worked in many fish stores and when people keep marine fish for the first time they all…

The New Octocorallia: Scleralcyonacea (And A Few Remaining Mysteries)

Having now fully explored the Malacalcyonacea Part 1 and Part 2, it’s time to turn our attention to its sister group, the order Scleralcyonacea. These clades are roughly equivalent in terms of species-level diversity, but whereas the malacalcyonaceans included many…

The New Octocorallia: A Brief Review of Taxonomic Chaos

Soft Corals, Gorgonians, and Sea Pens comprise the Octocorallia, a major branch in the coral tree of life whose 3000+ species come in nearly every shape imaginable. Not surprisingly, this biodiversity has confounded taxonomists for centuries, resulting in no shortage…

If You Knew How Rare Fox Corals Truly Are

The fox coral has one of the most unique polyp shapes of any coral and it’s a real treat for coral divers to see underwater. As you know, we like to explore reef areas where not many divers go because …

The Deep Water Rose Coral Reef is a Living Treasure

Several months ago a deep reef from French Polynesia made the news as something completely new because we didn’t know about the existence of these deeper reefs. Nevertheless it’s a good thing that corals are in the news, and people…

Rescaping the Nano Reef With New Torch Corals [Video]

The Red Sea Max Nano aquarium that we set up in one day and then untouched for a year has been one of our funnest concepts we’ve shared on video. While we thoroughly enjoyed demonstrating what is possible with the most…

Show soft corals some love with a shallow lagoon tank

We don’t show enough of our tanks from the other side of the Atlantic so I thought I would show my own little project from the UK – this 200 liter/52 gallon soft coral-dominated lagoon tank. It was devised over…

Window Shopping Some Great & Affordable wysiwyg Coral Frags

It’s been a really long time since we shared some interesting and unique corals from around the web. With more online coral vendors than ever before we only got through a few pages of google search results before we had more than…

A Great Technique for Shipping Delicate Coral Colonies

Shipping corals across and around the country is a feat that is performed thousands of times per day but it wasn’t always so, and it wasn’t always a great outcome. In the last twenty years the hobby has grown collectively…

De Jong Marinelife’s New Coral Farm

Recently, Arie de Jong (founder and director of De Jong Marinelife) took me for a short tour through one of their newest facilities: their new large coral farm. Insiders might know they already have a small coral farm in their…