Watch the Reef Therapy Podcast Episode 67

Spent your weekend reefing? Want to start your week listening to or watching more reefing chatter? Well, we do too, so we’ve released the latest episode of Reef Therapy to soothe you into your new working week gently.  Join Remy,…

We just can’t get enough of the TSA Fruity Splice Acropora

We’ve known about this spliced acro for a while now, but after Remy went to see it in person we just can’t stop thinking about it. We reached out to Top Shelf’s Kevin Burda for more info on his discovery. …

Bali Aquarium Becomes the first Licensed Ex-Situ Coral Farm in Indo

Over 20 years after becoming the first in-situ (Ocean Farm), licensed coral farm in Indonesia, Bali Aquarium has done it again, becoming the first ex-situ (inland) licensed coral farm in Indonesia to obtain export quota for these corals. It’s been…

The Rainbow Splice Acro is all Grown Up! [Video]

It’s been just over three years since Reef Raft Canada first introduced the spectacular Rainbow Splice Millepora Acro to the aquarium world and it quickly shot up to become one of the most desirable strains among coral stick collectors. The…

The Kitchen Sink Reef Tank is a Tour of Coral Diversity [Video]

We’ve always said that a reef tank should be more than the sum of its parts and that you don’t need any spectacular corals to have a spectacular reef tank. A perfect case study in this aspect of reefing philosophy is…

Grafting Live Corals for Better Growth and Nicer Shapes

The biggest challenge in reef keeping is keeping the alchemy of light, flow, nutrients and chemistry stable for long enough that corals grow to an appreciable size. But once corals really take off, our favorite part of reefing is grooming and…

Gold Torch Anemone is Unlike Anything We’ve Ever Seen

If you’re anything like us, when your eyes first focused on the image above you instinctively thought this coral was one of many new strains of gold or holy grail style torch corals which are all the rage in the…

Blue Zing Birdnest is a Unique Cross of Popular Seriatopora Strains

For the past forty or so years all ‘new’ coral strains introduced to the reef aquarium hobby have only come from the wild, mostly due to the fact that successful sexual reproduction is quite rare in aquarium corals. This assessment…

The Bali Aquarium Armageddon Tenuis is just mind blowing!

For quite a few years now, the ‘Homewrecker’ Acropora tenuis has been high on the wish list of many reefers. We thought it will be difficult to beat that one, and take years before we would see any other tenuis…

Branching Turbinaria from Eye Catching Coral is Full of Mystery

Turbinaria is simply an awesome group of stony corals that are full of diverse and very durable corals. In some ways the hardiness of Pagoda, Cup, and Scroll corals is more similar to typical soft corals, making them a good…