Flowerpot Corals & Everything You Need to Know For Success

Flowerpot corals are some of the most beautiful, unique, and desirable corals for reef aquaria but their captive care is not as straightforward as typical SPS or LPS corals. Once thought to be broadly ‘impossible’ to keep, the success rate…

Bernardpora, the Flowerpot Coral caught between Goniopora and Porites

This awful scientific name probably doesn’t ring a bell to you but Bernardpora stutchburyi is actually a very common coral. It’s cultured all over the world, and misidentified under so many other names. The most used common name is short polyped flowerpot…

The World Wide Corals 900 Gallon Show Tank 3+ years later

There is a saying that time does not pass, it continues. We originally did an article that we published way back in November 2014 called “A masterpiece is born: time lapse aquascaping of World Wide Corals’ new show tank” Now…

Horniman’s ‘Lab Grown’ Tenuis Acros Are The REAL Limited Edition Corals!

For the last twenty years a certain subset of wild corals have been deemed to be ‘limited edition’, but since these come from the boundless ocean, how limited could they be? Well today we have what is perhaps one of…

Some Of Jason Fox’s Personal Favorite Corals

In the United States Jason Fox’s name has become synonymous with very unique and collectable corals. If that’s what you’re into, then visiting Jason’s own tanks is like visiting a boutique of fine coral shopping and propagation. I had the…

Fluorescent Friday: World Wide Corals edition

For our previous installment of Fluorescent Friday we focused in on WWC’s famous ‘Grafted’ orange and green Montipora capricornis but today, we check out some of their other bangin’ corals with a fluorescent filter. World Wide Corals is one of the undisputed global…

Top 5 reasons to go to a professional aquarium show like ReefAPalooza

We just want to take a moment to draw a line in the sand; there are frag swaps, and then there are professional marine aquarium conferences. Any given weekend there are countless reef club functions and frag swaps around the…

ReefGen gets new look, better tools for wholesale customers

There are livestock wholesalers, and then there are companies like ReefGen who go above-and-beyond bringing unique and 100% acquacultured livestock to the market. And starting tomorrow, the team is officially unveiling its new website tomorrow with a fresh look plus…

GFP “infection” radically alters the look of stony corals, like the Green Jacket

Green Fluorescent Protein is one of the most ubiquitous and recognizable fluorescent colors in soft and stony corals. In some cases the GFP is expressively produced, sometimes it’s a byproduct and recently reef aquarists have observed a third phenomenon involving…