CoralCure Ointment Base2B is a topical treatment for Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease

An antibiotic treatment has been developed to help cure dying corals on the Florida Reef Tract. Amoxycillin is a medication used to treat a wide variety of bacterial infections in humans, and by mixing it with a base ointment, researchers…

What it’s Like To Start a ‘Career in Corals’

My name is Levi Peterson and a few months ago I made a decision to work closely with corals at ACI Aquaculture. I formerly worked at a local pet store and personally worked very closely with Non-Photosynthetic corals. However, when…

Urban Coral are Adapting Surprising Well!

A very interesting paper from Coral Morphologic, written by Colin Foord and J.D. McKay came out recently. Coral Morphologic is well known for bringing the spot light on corals through arts and webcam for more than a decade now. But…

Caribbean Corals in a Hobbyist Reef Aquarium

As huge as the reef aquarium hobby has become around the world and especially in the U.S., we find it simply astounding how collectively ignorant reefers are of corals that live right off of our shores. Caribbean stony corals consist…

BYOGuides’ Coral Finder Rolls Into its 2021 Edition

Coral identification could be one of the biggest challenges to new aquarists but even veterans struggle to properly identify coral to the proper genus and species. Russell Kelley’s Coral Finder has been one of the best tools to identify a…

Astraeosmilia is a new Genus that Splits up the Candy Corals

Astraeosmilia is a new genus of stony coral that is about to change up our understanding of the candy or trumpet corals, formerly limited to the Caulastraea genus. This new group of stony corals pulls in three species from Caulastraea, one…

Is a ‘Pest Free Guarantee’ Too Much to Ask for in Corals & Frags?

It’s not a stretch to say that the coral aquarium hobby is a fairly mature past time with more than a few decades of experience and refinement. After more than twenty years of intensive culture we have access to a…

Coral Frag Garden Maintenance

When you are a collector like me, you will eventually be buying a lot of small frags of corals due to the lower cost and availability of imported corals these days. The challenge will be to grow these little nubs…

Slide-Loc Offers Versatility For Transporting and Treating Coral Frags

Slide-Loc containers caught our eye with their customizable frag rack system. The locking channel design offers versatility for transporting lots o’ little frags or spaced apart for larger more aggressive corals. Avoid plastic bags and carry your frag container for…

Could Artificial Upwelling Help Reduce Coral Stress During A Bleaching Event?

We’ve often pondered, would pumping cold water up from the deep help corals during a bleaching event? It seems we’re not the only one to ask this question, as a new study published this week tests the hypothesis.  A study…