How (Hybrid) Tridacna Clams are Made

Spawning and rearing giant clams is an elaborate process that requires a certain degree of knowledge, but thankfully this know-how has been extensively documented and shared around the world. For around forty years small island nations of the Pacific Ocean…

Revisiting Reef Life Highlights of the Solomon Islands

The Solomon Islands is arguably one of the birthplaces of modern reef aquariums, especially when it comes to injecting the global reefing community with fun and exotic corals. There’s been some chatter about a new marine life pipeline being built…

Biota Swallowtail Angelfish is Growing up into a Beauty!

It’s been almost half a year since we first received our captive bred Biota Swallowtail Angelfish and we’ve been wanting to tell you about how this little fish has really captured our attention. Of all the angelfish groups, the swallowtails sometimes…

Milletseed Butterflyfish Captive Bred by Biota Aquariums

The millet seed butterflyfish, Chaetodon miliaris, is a common and very abundant reef fish of Hawaii that is now available captive bred from Biota Aquariums. The milletseed butterflyfish is very hardy but should be even better adapted to aquarium life…

Top 5 Reasons to Love Biota’s Rabbitfish in a Reef Tank

We’re not sure what it is about the rabbitfish but we’ve always had a soft spot for these common and hardy aquarium fish in our aquariums. Their unique shape, docile behavior, and friendly personality has always endeared them to earn…

It’s Time To Take A Closer Look At Clam Poop

Giant clams, like most coral species, survive in a symbiotic relationship with photosynthetic marine algae called Zooxanthellae. And while there are a small number of species which inherit zooxanthellae cells from their parents, the vast majority need to acquire these…

Red Sea Clams Return to the Aquarium Hobby

When we were just a wee little aquarist still playing around with African and American cichlids, one of the creatures that drew us to the world of ‘mini reef’ aquariums were the giant clams from the Red Sea. It was…

Australia Pink Nephthea is a Soft Coral Jewel

Soft corals don’t get the attention they deserve. Maybe because they are considered beginner corals, maybe because they are not as colorful as hard corals but there are some notable exception to that. Let us guide you through one of…

Captive Bred Gramma dejongi now Available from Biota

The common royal gramma is one of our all time favorite fish which is why we were completely captivated when a new, much rarer species was discovered nearly ten years ago. In the intervening decade we have practically worshipped Gramma…

The Maxea Clam Hybrids of Australia’s Acro Al

It’s been ten years since we had the privilege of highlighting Maxea clams, the first documented, obvious specimens of hybrid Tridacna that the aquarium hobby was ever aware of. There was a wave of criticism and and healthy dose about the…