Reefapalooza Orlando is Less than a Month Away

ReefStock has the honor of being the first big reef aquarium conference each year but now that the Denver event is passed, it’s time to start planning for the next big reef show, Reefapalooza. This year there will be four Reefapaloozas…

Top 5 Speakers We’re Excited to see at MACNA 2018

MACNA 2018 in Las Vegas will be the thirtieth time this venerable show celebrates the saltwater aquarium hobby and for this milestone MASNA is pulling out all the stops. With thirty speakers this year’s MACNA is the most packed with…

Highlights of the ReefStock Australia LFS Tour

If you’ve been wondering why it’s been unusually quiet on the blog, it’s for a very good reason. With the first ReefStock Australia coming up in just under two months in Sydney, we decided to do a tour of most…

Halmahera Indonesia Is The Center Of Coral Diversity

Halmahera Indonesia We’ve just spent a week diving in the northern province of Maluku Indonesia around the island of Halmahera, and to say we found the coral reef of our dreams is an understatement. Now we are excited to share…

White Chocolate is a White, Yellow & Scopas Tang All In One

Casper the white tang might be the most famous surgeonfish in the world but World Wide Corals has been conditioning a new superstar in their stable of awesome tangs. A little over a year ago WWC added two piebald Zebrasoma, with the…

This Mimic Algae Looks Just Like Branching Acropora Coral!

Mimic Algae Organisms living in the underwater world are masters of camouflage and disguise, all to avoid predation from larger or more aggressive species. Cuttlefish change colors to blend in with their surroundings, trumpetfish drift motionlessly between gorgonian corals and seagrass confusing any would-be…

Cozumel Coral Reef Restoration Program
Cozumel Coral Reef Restoration Program Last week I have the pleasure of visiting the Cozumel Coral Reef Restoration Program run by Germán Méndez. Over the past 40 years, parts of the reef in Cozumel have seen an 80% decline in coral…
ReefStock 2018 to Feature Three Powerhouse Presentations

Since 2008 ReefStock has maintained a high standard for our presenters and in the ten years since, ReefStock has developed a reputation for attracting some of the best speakers from across the aquarium world. We’ve featured some of the most…

Things That Scare Me About The Hobby

Boo and Happy Halloween. I am not really much of a Halloween person, I am much more into Christmas, but I understand how some people really get into it. In fact, I recently learned that humans are such an overwhelmingly…

Illumagic Makes Killer LED Lights For Nanos, Reef Displays, & Commercial Scale

Illumagic is a Taiwanese company that has been making LED aquarium lights about as long as all the major players in the aquarium hobby. Being separate from mainland China, Europe and North America, Illumagic has really been able to develop…