ORA Red Planet table acro has grown a long way in five years

Without question, the ORA Red Planet table acro is one of the most widespread and popular strains of table Acropora that has ever been released by ORA, or anyone else for that matter. Seems like just yesterday we were ogling…

Elkhorn coral video shows what the ‘palmata zone’ used to look like

Oh Acropora palmata, the iconic elkhorn coral, how we love to gaze on thee! Once widespread and ecologically paramount in the Caribbean Sea, the elkhorn coral used to be so abundant that there were reef zones named after it. Nowadays…

EcoAquariums PNG LTD: Diving deeper into Papua New Guinea 2.0

Earlier this month Reef Builders brought you the news after a long wait, EcoAquarium PNG resurrected sustainably-collected marine fish from Papua New Guinea and is pushing to bring PNG-collected fish to the aquarium market.  Reef Builders went beyond EcoAquarium PNG’s…

Maldives snorkeling video at Ari Atoll is a field of corals growing at a very high density

[youtube width=”680″ height=”420″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXxjRxrXDE0[/youtube] We’ve seen our share of average snorkeling videos from coral reefs but none featured such a high density of stony corals at such a shallow depth. This video made by vivaldi at Ari Atoll in the Maldives…

Some Livestock “Guarantees” Can Send the Wrong Message

A recently announced new form of livestock guarantee, a “Livestock Insurance Program” from a local fish store caught my attention as a unique and different approach to the common practice of most livestock warranties.  In this scheme, a customer pays…

Coral growth time lapse video of a Caribbean reef tank for two years

There’s so much more to this time lapse video than the growth of an Acropora cervicornis hitting the glass and then encrusting its entire surface. Over the span of more than two years, 734 days to be exact, we can…

New Northwestern Hawaiian Exhibit coming soon to the Waikiki Aquarium

The Waikiki Aquariums is adding a new and unique exhibit showcasing the rich underwater realm of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. All the coral, fish and other marine life were collected from the Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument with rare government approval…

Le Reef Tank de Michel is one large mature reefscape

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJgZleSzC2k[/youtube] This beautiful reef aquarium is a French creation by reef aquarist Michel who lives at La Chevrolière near Nantes in France. The two meter reef tank (6.5 feet) is completely filled with large and well grown in coral colonies…

Fluorescent coral photoshoot goes down at ORA’s farm

Fluorescent corals are the primary reason that many of us got into the reefing hobby in the first place. Although we all strive to have daytime lights which show the fluorescence of corals under balanced lighting, there is no substitute…

Ecoxotic celebrates Earth Day by sponsoring the Coral Restoration Foundation

The Coral Restoration Foundation is an organization in Florida which is actively farming Carribean stony corals such staghorn and elkhorn species for the purposes of rebuilding reefs. We’ve previously written about the efforts of the Coral Restoration Foundation to rehabilitate…