[WATCH] New Species Discoveries With Dr. Mark Erdmann and Ocean Geographic

Have you ever wanted to invite a scientist into your living room and hear about all their exciting discoveries? Ocean Geographic has been hosting live video sessions with experts around the globe and last week we tuned in to hear…

A Tour of Fishland Aquarium Store in São Paulo Brazil

Fishland São Paulo Brazil Fishland is one of São Paulo’s oldest Saltwater Aquarium store. With over twenty years of experience and fourteen years in their current location, Fishland is a beacon of knowledge and inspiration for the reefing community in…

ATI Straton LED Goes for the Sleek, Unibody Slab of Aluminum

The Straton LED by ATI is a sleek new high performance reef aquarium lighting fixture that is coming soon. The ATI Straton aims to be one of the most elegant reef aquarium lighting fixtures with no fans, no buttons, no…

Nursalim Flasher Wrasse Enters the Aquarium Hobby

The Nursalim Flasher wrasse is such a rare and exotic fish, it’s been a book fish, a holy grail for rare fish fanciers and we never thought we’d see this species in captivity. But this week LiveAquaria announced that not…

Chrysiptera uswanasi, the Newest Species of Damselfish from Papua

Chrysiptera uswanasi is yet another new species of damselfish from the island of Papua, Indonesia. Uswana’s damselfish is the seventh member of the very similar looking cluster of species in the C. oxycephala complex.  Other recently described damselfish from the…

White Corals’ Showroom Should Inspire All Aquarium Stores [Video]

White Corals is Europe’s leading online reef aquarium livestock and dry goods vendor and also the folks behind the unique Nyos brand of aquarium products. This quintessentially German business is exactly what you would expect to see from Stuttgart, the…

Top 10 New Reef Products Introduced at InterZoo 2018

Traveling all the way to Nuremberg Germany for InterZoo is a ton of work, it ain’t cheap, but it’s oh so worth it! If you needed any indication that this is one of the most important shows for releases of…

Top Companies We Expect Great New Products From at InterZoo

If you’ve been reading this website for any length of time, then you know that InterZoo is the ‘Olympics’ of new pet and aquarium products. This mega-conference is so large that it takes place every two years, across several halls…

Unique Corals is the Ultimate ‘Man Cave’ of Aquarium Corals

In just five short years Unique Corals has become not just a big player in online coral sales, but an ambassador of reef aquarium culture. Online coral vendors are as common as Seven Elevens but UC takes it one step…

Seizing the Moment and Limiting Regrets

As I have discussed numerous times in these articles, this is a hobby of patience. That is, we need to be patient and wait for things to occur in order to be successful such as waiting frags to grow into…