Philips Coralcare Review: 5 months And Still Going Strong

When in the market for a new led light, reading real life user reviews are often at least as interesting as reading about the technical specifications. Because Philips claimed it’s CoralCare LED light will change the way we look at aquarium…

Black Friday deals are waiting for you– and you don’t have to look far

Thanksgiving is just a day away and this means some of our favorite retailers will be starting their Black Friday specials. We have a love-hate relationship with Black Friday. On one hand we hate the shopping madness and insanity, but…

‘Tank Raised’ Purple Tangs Coming Soon From Sri Lanka

Aquamarines in Sri Lanka was the procurer of the wildly scribbled Koran angelfish, and they will soon be the source of tank raised purple tangs. Before you go getting all excited about another surgeonfish captive breeding breakthrough, realize that although…

Lani LED Finally Available for Purchase

The Lani LED is finally available for purchase after nearly four years of being featured in the pages of Reef Builders. It’s quite interesting that the Lani LED is what first drew our attention to Triton Labs, which has now taken…

Spectacular Reef Tank of José Elias Castro in the Dominican Republic
This jam-packed reef tank comes to us from José Elias Castro in the Dominican Republic. This 400 gallon tank is stocked with over 60 fish and just about every coral you could wish for. For water movement, Elias uses a VorTech…
A Visit to The Horniman Museum and Gardens

During the early days of the hobby there was sort of a barrier that existed between hobbyists, public aquarists and researchers that only some individuals like Bruce Carlson crossed. As a result, at MACNA V in 1993 in Toronto, many…

The Masterpiece Aquarium of David Saxby

As an Italian, I consider the three great masters to be Michelangelo, Raphael and Leonardo da Vinci. Similarly, there are also masters in this hobby and I have been fortunate to see their works of art, the tanks of Wayne…

World’s Largest Pearl Was Made By A Giant Clam

The World’s Largest Pearl has been discovered in the Philippines and this thing weighs as much as a small child. Clocking in at around 34Kg or about 75 pounds, the huge gem was being used by a Filipino fisherman as…

Watch a Crown-of-Thorns starfish get annihilated by giant snail

The Australian Institute of Marine Sciences is exploring using biological controls to help keep outbreaks of the coral-eating Crown-of-Thorns Starfish (COTS) in check on the Great Barrier Reef. Sadly, COTS and cyclones are responsible for more than half of all…

How to keep the aquarium hobby fresh and exciting

From time to time one of my friends will comment about how they find it amazing that I still seem to have the same level of excitement about my tanks and the hobby as I did when they first met…